Monday, June 3, 2024

Pancake Tacos

This morning we were at the bank, and sure enough, our saga continues with passing along money from the trust.  Whatever.  We're used to bureaucracy and red tape, so at this point we'd be kind of surprised if we walked in and some government official or bank employee said something like, "Hey, this is easy.  Got it, no problem."  If someone ever said that to us, we'd honestly be a bit confused.

Anyway, at least things are kind of still moving forward. Sort of.  We decided to go out to eat afterwards, celebrating consoling ourselves with a meal at Cracker Barrel.  We were on our way down to the Braselton office, the first of two visits this week.  We were getting a few Summer Xtreme things there, and dropping off some other things.  But we stopped at Cracker Barrel, Mom and myself, and we actually ordered breakfast food there.  I haven't done that in years.  In fact, I got something odd called "Pancake Tacos." 

These feature pancakes as a outer "shell," with bacon and eggs inside.  Also included is a cup of syrup that you can dip your tacos in.  It was actually pretty good! 

Mom and I hadn't been to that Braselton location yet, but it was good.  It was busy too, which is good for them.  We had a nice breakfast date, and then we looking around the shop for a bit like always.  Then it was off to the Braselton campus for a few chores.  

We got home, and the rain is continuing tonight.  Maddie had taekwondo, a longer night as always, but she enjoys it.  Apparently we've got some condensation issues with the new air conditioning unit.  Something has clogged somewhere, which means I've been spending a lot of time in the attic lately with a shop vac, sucking up stored up water so it won't overflow.  We'll figure this out, but goodness - we paid a lot for a new air conditioner, and you'd think that would be that.  Nope.  Sums up a lot there.

I was writing a lot today, and in fact one thing written was a devotional for the Tropical Freeze series, something about Mr. Freeze himself.  This inspired me to watch "Heart of Ice," that epic Batman episode from the 90's.  Still great stuff!

Tonight we watched "Madagascar 2" just so Maddie could see Moto Moto again, who apparently shows up on social media memes a lot lately.  She cracked up when she first saw him, and now that we've watched the second movie, it only makes sense we'll be seeing the third tomorrow.  In the meantime, one more episode of "Monk" and it's off to bed.  

We read tonight, and after that it was time for prayers and time for some sleep.  Goodnight! 

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