Friday, June 21, 2024

Stiches Out

Maddie got her stitches out this afternoon, and it couldn't have happened sooner for her.  We went over to a new family doctor in Oakwood, one that the whole family may be going sooner to.  Today was a good visit and things turned out well.  Hard to believe this was a week ago.

It was a pretty full day today.  Maddie got to sleep in today, not going to the church this morning.  I was there and we were filming some more Summer Xtreme stuff, where I'm dressed in this inflatable gorilla suit as a henchman named Frank.  It's going to be fun.  I got home after that though, and while at home, I finished up the skit for day two of Summer Xtreme, wrapping things up.  We're using the new AI music generator to create background tracks for our skits too, and that's working out well.  In fact, AI is a tool that we're using to create music and even imagery on the screens as well.  It's been pretty fascinating.

Here's a picture that Made took on the way home of the sunset tonight.  We're still in that heat dome, and the temperatures have been soaring each day.  Unfortunately, the AC unit is still not moving the condensation out the pipes out the house, so I'm having to lug a lot of water each day from the attic.  It's an educational process.  I had no idea the amount of gallons each day that thing creates.  

Anyway, at least the house is cool.  And taekwondo went well, of course.  Maddie wasn't sparring quite yet, and she'll wait another week and a half before that happens.  But until then, she's right there with the rest of the team, and they're all training hard in a new direction.  Talk is of a new competition coming up in September in Gatlinburg of all places.  That looks like it could be something she and the team will go to.

Here are some of the bead wristbands that Maddie's been working on.  She's doing a great job with these!  So tonight we watched something on television again, and then we read - we're finishing up one Star Wars book and going on to the next.  Maddie chose to do "Return of the Jedi," to complete the trilogy of books "From a Certain Point of View."  After that, we'll probably revisit the Kingdom Keepers.  But for now, it's time for prayers, and sleep... goodnight!

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