Thursday, June 20, 2024

Coffee Productivity

Okay, so we did make it to a coffee shop today, and as you can see Maddie is with us at Inman Perk on the Gainesville Square.  We were there for a few hours, just a few, so we could focus on writing the second day of Summer Xtreme.  We got a lot done, actually.  We also got coffees and even some ice cream there.  It's just a great atmosphere to write, any coffee shop.  We'll be back at another one as we continue our coffee shop tour, probably next week.  Maddie wants to come with us - we'll probably go back to Boarding Pass.  We'll see!  It was a super productive meeting, and there was a really great 

Anyway, she did have taekwondo tonight.  No sparring yet, but she's getting those stitches out tomorrow.  She's got a big story to tell there.  I wasn't inclined to share pictures so much, but I have a few more of the actual incident here.  And look how tough she looks in these pictures:

This lower one is just such an action shot.  It just screams, "Don't mess with me."  Master Edge - who is in the background - suggested making it into a t-shirt.  I'm not quite there yet, because to me it represents a moment of time that was difficult to experience.  But it's been a week, and she's overcome, and the weekend itself was absolutely fantastic for her, a really fun time, and this is all in the rear view mirror now.  She's ready to do the next competition!

We had a good day today.  Mom got the garage cleaned out expertly, but stayed indoors, understandably.  It's still hot outside.  No rain.  Water levels are going down, and certain counties are experiencing the beginnings of a drought.  This heat dome is a pretty big story for the summer, an ongoing sort of relentless theme.

We watched a few things tonight before reading and prayers.  It's been a quiet week here, but a work week really.  We had this big SX24 meeting that Maddie was there to see all the different campuses and their plans for games and so forth.  It's going to be a fun time. 

But now it's time for some rest.  Got a big day tomorrow!

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