Saturday, March 10, 2018

Baby Groot Sprouts

As you can see above, Baby Groot is surrounded by quite a few sprouts!  Madison has seen to it that she spritzes the grass a bit each day, although with not too much water.  It's been growing upwards, fast!

Today was a busy day early on.  Daddy was at Skate Country with the kids of KidPak, and we're talking hundreds of them.  It was three campuses together at Skate Country, with all the staff and volunteers and parents and... quite a few people.  There was pizza, and lots of skates.  And these new things that have been prevalent over the past few years called "skate mates."  They're just basically walkers for kids who don't know how to skate yet.  And they fill the arena, and you have to go around them.  Or watch out so you don't get plowed over.  They're angular to make it easier for skaters not to fall over, but that pointy end is like a plow that - when you line up a few of them horizontally - you've got this approaching wall of skate mates.  You'd better skate well to avoid that sort of thing!

Madison was not skating today.  She was dancing.  She had another "Frozen" production today, and it was at the same time.  She was going through the routine one more time, basically because her teachers said that all the kids dancing "needed it."  This was one of those days that was "in the air," but it turned out this new production still needs some of these extra practices.  No problem.  Madison is having a great time with her friends.

We got home, and we did some Minecrafting, and then some work on the yearbook together.  Madison is working on her artwork more, really enjoying that.  And tonight, we watched the first episode of "A Series of Unfortunate Events."  She liked it, so we may be watching some more of those soon enough.  We might even be reading the books too!

But not tonight.  We saw the time and realized we'd best go to bed a bit earlier:  the reason?  Daylights Savings Time returns tomorrow, and this is the hard one.  This is the one where everyone loses an hour of sleep, and it's a lot darker when you first get up.  It's okay if you go to sleep earlier the night before.

We read from the devotional, and another chapter about CJ Hook.  We said our prayers, and soon enough, all of us were drifting to sleep after another busy Saturday.

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