Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hurling Sheep

We would discover late that this little craft is in fact relevant to the movie "How to Train Your Dragon 2," but for the time being, it was just fun hurling sheep through the air towards their target.  Part of me wonders how PETA would react to such a craft!  We went to Lowe's this morning, where Madison and Daddy put together one of the easier crafts to assemble.  This was a sheep hurling game, which seemed odd at the time of making it.  But again, it makes sense when you see the movie.  Sort of.  In the movie they actually drop the sheep into nets, each one carried by a dragon in flight.  Here, we sort of use a see-saw to hurl the sheep in the air towards their destination.

This craft had Madison back in power with her hammer and nails.  The last craft looks awesome - the dragon is pretty neat, currently poised on top of one of Madison's dressers, overlooking the room.  But the nails and limbs and pieces were all delicate and tiny.  This craft, however, featured real nails, and a box shape, which is easy to turn over to your daughter. She found the right nails, lined things up and hammered away this morning.  Daddy helped a little - and made only one mistake.  Fortunately, Madison caught it - that's right, she figured out something that Daddy didn't.  And so with teamwork, the two of us made our sheep hurling game.

Daddy didn't take a picture at Lowe's, but instead did one afterwards at home after we just arrived.  Madison still proudly had her apron on - the bottom of this thing is lined with patches of all the different projects she's worked on in the past at Lowe's.  There has to be about twelve or thirteen of these things by now.

We tried the game out a bit, where Madison finally got the hang of getting the sheep to their destination, rather than some far off destination across the room.  It's a fun little thing, but the real fun for the two of us, I suspect, is actually making it, and of course getting a patch!

Today was a work day for Daddy, who spent a lot of time writing messages, cleaning up, and working on future projects.  We're starting a new series next weekend, and there are new messages for August to write as well.  Lots to do, but there's no weariness in doing any of this.  Older, but the engine is still running quite fine when it comes to doing new messages - it's the thing I'm best at.

Meanwhile, Madison was playing piano, reading, and drawing a little too.  Also, she was helping Mommy plant outside, and clean out her room a bit upstairs - that in itself is a huge project.  Mommy was feeling a little ill this morning, but that straightened itself out thankfully.  Daddy got home a little late, so we played some games tonight when he got home, specifically "The Lego Movie" video game. Amazingly, we're getting close to finishing this one - at a much faster pace than the other LEGO games.  Part of this is Madison's effort during the day today, or yesterday - I don't know which.  She got a lot of stuff accomplished while I was away, to the point where I came in to play and was completely surprised that there wasn't as much left to do!

And so another day is in the books.  Daddy was at work, but we did spend a little time together in the morning, and fortunately Mommy is feeling better as well.  We're all a bit tired tonight, and should get a good rest before tomorrow's services.  So goodnight, farewell, and happy hurling sheep!

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