Monday, June 16, 2014

Tornado Pants

So we had another camp start today, which marks three weeks of summer camps so far.  We're tinkering with one more next week, or a few weeks from now - that's the art camp that she enjoyed last year.  We thought that was certainly worth it as well.  For the record, Daddy did ask her if she wanted to try out a karate camp, and she wasn't a huge fan of the idea.  I was stunned.  We all were stunned - I thought for sure that she would go for that.  But her own tastes and styles are developing, and I'm happy to hear that she is really enjoying dance class quite a bit.

The camp starts at 12:30, and goes on until 3:30, believe it or not.  That's three hours, which is a long, long time when you think about it.  The instructor must really have her act together to be ready for a flow like that, with all sorts of kids of varying skills and talents.  We did meet our first uber-mom today ("Eyes on the prize, Violet."), who wanted her child challenged, and was simply amazed that her child was chosen as the leader - I mean, not just the leader who goes out first, but in fact the very best child of them all when it comes to dancing.  It was sort of a funny conversation, because we're in that "just happy to be here" camp with Madison.  We got to see her dancing a bit at the end - that's when the teacher was trying out some jazz dancing.  Madison was doing her best to keep up - she said it was a challenge for her, but when you see her in this class, she's the smallest one and pretty much the youngest one (although she says there is another kid who is eight years old in the camp as well).  But she had a great time in class despite it all, and that's what she's there for.  We do want her to develop skills, but we also want her to have a great time.  We think that's happening this week, so it's a worthy investment - and we'll get to see a mini-recital on Friday at 3:15.  The instructor is using "Zero to Hero" as one song, and also another song that's been familiar lately:  "Everything is Awesome."  Yes, they'll be dancing to the LEGO song this week.  And also making a craft for their water bottles too - so that'll be interesting to see. I bet Madison's water bottle will be the very best ever! 

While Madison was at this long camp, it was time for Mommy and Daddy to get some stuff done!  Well, after a lunch date, of course. We went back to Texas Roadhouse for a nice meal, and after that dropped by the bank and the local Dairy Queen for a Dilly Bar.  The Dilly Bar has been our latest obsession - it started with Mommy getting them, and now the whole family has to get them.  For only a dollar, it's a big heap of chocolate covered ice cream that makes you smile a lot! And, it's got a silly name.  "Dilly" makes me think of pickles, so why call an ice cream bar that?

ANWWAY, we washed the car after that.  Now it doesn't even look like our car.  It reflects the sun the way all those solar powered mirrors in the desert do, blinding people for miles around.  Cars pull over, because we're now basically driving the sun.

Of course, it rained later.  Not that it mattered because our car was in the garage by then.  But it seems like an old rule of thumb that if you're going to wash your car, it will rain.  This is why there are severe draughts in certain countries:  because they have no car washes.

We woke up late this morning, because we could.  Madison joined us in bed, and we slept in a bit.  This was a nice thing to do, sleeping in.  You should try it some time!  Seriously, it was such a relaxing morning - of course, when Daddy trudged downstairs, instantly Madison turned on the X-box:  she was ready for more of the Lego Game Movie.  The funniest thing about this game so far is the "Where's My Pants" station.  You can change your character's pants at one of these places, which does more than just change the color of your pants:  it gives you certain powers.  There was even an option to pay real money to download some more pants, such as these babies:  tornado pants.  Don't mess with a cowboy wearing tornado pants.  Just saying.

When we got home, Daddy didn't just want to play games.  Okay, he did.  But he used self-control, amazingly, and we got a few other things accomplished.  Or, at least Madison did:  she read about three for four more books for the reading program, including a few Fly Guy books.  And she did play "Moon Dreamer" about three or four more times too.  A few new things:  we returned to the TAG pen to play some games with the United States map.  She knows where a few states are already, such as Florida, Hawaii and New York.  But now she's starting to learn a few more states, thanks to today's activities.  The pen does well with different games that you can play - Madison learned a little about many of the states, but now she knows where Ohio is for sure.  That's where her uncle currently lives, and so she was interested in finding that out.

We ended the day with a bang.  Or, at least a bang-bang.  We started the movie "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," because there are a few scenes we remember from that movie, and we thought it would be fun to watch a musical with Madison.  We popped the popcorn and sat down together for a movie - the ominous weather outside kept us from swimming tonight.  We heard the rumble of thunder and the flash of lightning as pop up showers formed around us.  But Madison's attention was on the movie - she enjoyed it - all the way up to the intermission.  We decided to make this a two-parter, where we'll continue the rest of the movie tomorrow night.  She's anxious to see what happens next - we haven't gotten to the part where the car actually flies.

It is a long movie though.  It takes them a really long time just to get the car.  But it's fun, and with this one and "Mary Poppins," we're hoping to introduce Madison soon to some musicals, which I just loved as a kid.  There are some classics out there, more memories for us with Madison.

Tonight, Madison and Mommy hid under the covers as Daddy showed up in the room to say goodnight.  They jumped out and screamed "BOO!"  This is what Madison does all the time, but the surprise tonight is that Mommy was in on it too.  We said our prayers, and were off to sleep pretty quickly today.  It was actually a full day, and a fun one too.  But we're pretty zonked.  We probably should have put on our tornado pants!

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