Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

Sam I Am was right about the eggs, although his methods were a bit extreme. Fortunately, it didn't take much effort to get Madison to try some green eggs and ham this morning. Daddy enjoyed them too - Mommy had made a special breakfast for us today, but for Madison, "Dr. Seuss Day" didn't stop there! Next, Mommy pulled out several books and had a nice time reading with Madison on the couch. After that, they visited the Dr. Seuss website on the computer, which was actually a lot of fun. Mommy printed out a few coloring sheets for Madison to try out, and even a connect-the-dots sheet as well. Though Madison can't count as high as the numbers listed, I'd say she did a decent job of connecting the dots. Take a look:

Later on in the afternoon, Mommy and Madison watched "Horton Hears a Who" as well, and together they had a really full "Dr. Seuss Day!" It's become a big occasion around here, especially after last year's big day.


It goes without saying that our book of the day would be one written by Dr. Seuss. "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" is one of those timeless books that is fun to read, even when it isn't Dr. Seuss Day. Madison actually has a t-shirt with this book cover on it, which she wore all day today. The book is filled with rhymes, and filled with quite a bit of nonsense too. Obviously, there are fish inside. But there are other weird things too: Like a Gox. A Gox is something that you can box (preferably in yellow socks). But strangest of all is the page dedicated to Clark. Observe:

Personally, if I found anything like this in the park (in the dark), I would call the police. I mean, seriously: look at it. The thing looks just a tad bit creepy. These children however, are not afraid of anything. Additionally, they apparently have super strength, as they've lugged it home and are about to go up the stairs. They've named this creature Clark, and anticipate it growing and growing in their home. It's already pretty big if you ask me. But most compelling is the fact that they are completely unconcerned about what their mother might feel about this issue. I'm hoping Madison never encounters anything like this at the park (in the dark), but I'm just going to tell her right now that if she does, DO NOT BRING IT HOME. In fact, getting as far away from it as possible might be the best course of action.

Madison's favorite book by Dr. Seuss is "Hop on Pop," for obvious reasons. Daddy got home a little too late for any hopping, but here's hoping we'll be hopping tomorrow. Still, today was rather nice for Madison. It was nice for Mommy too - what a splendid day!

But it's time to get out the moss-covered three-handled family grudunza and do a little cleaning up: that's right, it's bedtime!

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere." - Dr. Seuss

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