Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am Your Father

I'd like to post first about how Madison spent a lot of time learning today. But I won't. I'll save that for later, because the highlight of the day for Daddy was the totally epic lightsaber duel that happened this evening all over the house. For six years or so, Daddy has had this serious lightsaber prop that we used for a KidPak service. The thing was pretty pricey, but it looks and sounds great. In the recent move, Daddy found it and put some new batteries in it - but hadn't tested it out yet. Until tonight, when Madison started to attack Daddy with her purple lightsaber. From that moment on, the battle raged! Madison was delighted that each time she'd hit Daddy's lightsaber, a clashing noise would result. Naturally, she'd found herself chasing Daddy all over the house.

Meanwhile, Mommy was on the computer trying to actually work. While in the background, Madison leapt onto the couch and began to assault Daddy with a series of punishing swings that drove him back into the kitchen. As she pushed forward with her attack, Daddy retreated into the dining area.

We have these huge windows in the great room, so I can only imagine if there were any neighbors out there - what they saw. These lightsabers light up, and Madison was hopping all over the place like Yoda, swinging wildly as Daddy loomed with his bright red lightsaber. It was a lot of fun!

The funny thing is: we just finished a tea party. Madison had this big tea party set up for Daddy upstairs, and we were having a splendid time eating with Mickey, Minnie, Sock Monkey and Mr. Peanut. Madison kept getting up to go to the play kitchen, in order to serve up a new entree. We had plastic cookies, plastic vegetables, and all sorts of cake. Madison is a wonderful host!

A large part of the day was about learning. Madison's piano class started things off nicely. Madison catches on rather quickly, and enjoyed playing in rhythm with all sorts of different instruments. It's been a cold day, so rather than do anything outdoors, we retreated home for lunch and some indoor activities. We pulled out the workbooks again, which Madison loves: Mommy and she spent hours today learning numbers, matching and even some more writing. Today, she was practicing the letter "H."

Daddy's primary job was to give Mommy a break at times! Hence the lightsabers and tea party. Tonight before bed, we popped in another Veggie Tales, "Moe and the Big Exit," which follows our Western motif that we started the week out with "Rango." This was a great episode that follows the story of Moses. Madison and Daddy enjoyed it a lot - and then it was time for bed, and of course the required bed time story.

Once upon a time, Princess Madison went on a balloon expedition with her friend Papi the chihuahua. Also along for the ride was Mr. Peanut, who wore his top hat and monocle so he could see far over the horizon.

They took off on their balloon adventure and decided to head north, where it was a bit chillier. In fact, after a long time of travel, they began to see snow on the ground below. As time went by, the three grew hungry. Fortunately, Madison packed a decent lunch with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ravioli, macaroni and cheese, and lots of ketchup.

After a bit more time, they all put on their winter jackets. Princess Madison looked quite fashionable!

"Look out below," Papi exclaimed. The three saw below them that they were traveling over water now - it was an ocean large and vast!

"Look ahead!" Mr. Peanut said. He saw through his monocle an iceberg, and trapped on top of the iceberg was a snow tiger. The three gasped when they saw the poor tiger trapped there.

"We must save him," Princess Madison said.

And so they brought their balloon down as low as they could on top of the iceberg. The snow tiger was very grateful indeed, and jumped aboard with them. Now there were four on the journey north.

"Where are you heading?" the snow tiger asked.

"We're going on an expedition," Princess Madison responded.

Soon, Mr. Peanut spied a snow covered island on the horizon. "Land ho!" he cried.

It was decided that they would land there, and do some exploring indeed! But not too much exploring, for the hour was already getting late and they certainly had to return. And so it came to pass that they landed their balloon on the snow-covered island, and stepped out onto the icy surface of the land.

"Where are we?" Papi wondered. He was certainly glad he had a little doggie coat to put on, for it was quite chilly here.

No one had time to answer his question, unfortunately. The reason was this: on this island, there were naughty snow robots, who started throwing icicles at everyone. The snow tiger got quite upset at this and roared really loud. And when he did, all the robots went running away!

But not before one of the icicles had punctured their balloon!

"Oh no," Princess Madison said. "However will we get home?"

"We must press forward," Mr. Peanut told her. "Follow me deep into the island. I believe I can see a castle there."

And so Princess Madison, Papi and the snow tiger followed Mr. Peanut into the island, over dunes of snow and past ice sculptures of famous people.

Finally, they arrived at a castle. But this castle was surrounded by those very same naughty snow robots. How would they ever get past? Once again, their friend the snow tiger roared - and the naughty snow robots all scattered.

"I'm sure glad we rescued you," Princess Madison said.

The four of them went into the castle, and do you know what they found there?

Ice cream! Lots of ice cream. And lots of robots too! It appeared as if all the robots were making ice cream for some reason.

"Hello there!" a voice boomed overhead. The four looked up and saw a big Yeti. That's a big white hairy monster. "Welcome to ice cream castle!"

"Thank you," Princess Madison said, curtseying. It's always good to curtsey.

"We need help," Papi said. "Our balloon was popped by some naughty snow robots, and now we're trapped on this island!"

"This island is a good one to get trapped on if you're going to get trapped," Mr. Peanut said, as he and the snow tiger got some delicious ice cream.

The big Yeti said, "I am so sorry! My snow robots thought you were intruders here to steal my secret ice cream plans. They have gone too far. I certainly must get on to them."

"Do you know how we can get home?" Princess Madison said.

"Why certainly," the Yeti replied. "By ice cream truck!"

That's when the Yeti explained where they were. This island they had found quite by accident - is not on any map. Indeed, no one can find it if they are looking for it. It is Ice Cream Island, and it is where all ice cream trucks start out from before they begin to travel the world delivering ice cream.

"Even the ice cream truck in our neighborhood?" Princess Madison asked.

"Why yes!" the good Yeti answered. "You can hop aboard that very ice cream truck this afternoon before it takes off to go to your neighborhood!"

"Takes off?" Papi asked.

"Takes off!" the Yeti repeated. "How else do you think they can get off this island? All ice cream trucks have wings that spring out of the sides so they can fly off to their neighborhoods. Yours does too! Follow me and I'll show you!"

So everyone followed the Yeti to a great big area that looked more like an airport than anything. The air traffic control tower was a great big ice cream cone, and all along the airstrip there were plenty of ice cream trucks - some landing and some taking off. Mr. Peanut spotted their ice cream truck right away and pointed it out!

"Let's get on board before it takes off!" Papi said.

"Yes, you've only got a few moments to go," the Yeti told them. "You see, every day, we make the ice cream here - and put it on those trucks. Then the trucks fly off to your neighborhood. So hop on board your truck, and your driver will take you home right away."

"Thank you, Mr. Yeti!" Princess Madison said. And she gave him a hug.

"Goodbye my friends," the Yeti said, as he waved them off. "See you soon!"

Princess Madison, Mr. Peanut, Papi and the snow tiger jumped on the ice cream truck, where the driver was getting ready for takeoff.

"Strap on your seatbelts!" he said.

They did, and soon found themselves taking off over the icy ocean. This time they were flying much faster though. In no time, Ice Cream Island was a tiny speck behind them, as the ice cream truck flew fast over the sea.

It had been such an adventure that the four of them were quite sleepy. In fact, they all fell fast asleep in the back of the ice cream truck. No wonder it came as such a surprise when they heard the ice cream truck driver say, "We're here!"

Quickly, the truck landed along a back road. The wings on the side of the ice cream truck folded up neatly inside, and the driver drove them all back to Princess Madison's neighborhood. Soon, they were at Princess Madison's house.

"Okay, we're all home!" the driver announced. It was time to leave and go inside. But before they left the driver, he gave them each some ice cream. Madison wanted a strawberry ice cream, and Mr. Peanut wanted chocolate. Papi wanted a chaco taco, and the snow tiger wanted something with cherry flavor. The ice cream truck driver had to go make his deliveries, so he wished them all goodbye as he drove off around the corner.

In the meantime, Madison, Mr. Peanut, Papi and the snow tiger went inside. The snow tiger decided to live with them now, because they all seemed to have so much fun. And indeed they did! But that is a story for another time, so until then, we'll just say that they all lived happily ever after.

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