Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This morning we had an unexpected adventure: there was a runaway train! Yes, it's true. Thomas the Train, through no fault of his own, became a half-mile long freight train carrying a cargo of toxic chemicals - essentially an unstoppable missile on train tracks, bearing down on a populated city! As you can see here, Madison, our young conductor, was pitted in a race against time to prevent a cataclysmic disaster! You can see the police cars and fire engines there for back-up support as she attempts a few different ingenious ideas to stop this runaway train. Yet, nothing seems to be working! Time
is very quickly running out!
That's when she gets the unique idea to get another train engine and race to the scene to hook up from behind in a frantic, desperate attempt to slow Thomas down! How courageous! She chased down the runaway train, trying to bring it under control before it could derail at Dead Man's Curve, causing a toxic spill that could decimate an entire town! Out here, this ain't no training. In training, they just give you an F. Out here you get killed! So, did it work? Did her incredibly daring rescue mission save the day? To answer your question, we're all still here alive and well, aren't we? Madison ran that engine down, and kept Thomas from running off the
train tracks.
This morning, we're still looking back on the incident to see what went wrong. You can blame this guy here to the left. Look at him, just standing there, looking downcast amongst the rubble of his own terrible decision! Can you believe he actually left a train while it was still moving? It's a good thing Madison the engineer was around. We'll forgive Mr. Conductor, but clearly, he needs to sit in a time out chair for a long time!

"You are a funny guy. Well trained, but funny."
- Frank Barnes

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