Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday, and Mommy made sure that everything was fun for all of us. Look at the display above: a collection of Dr. Seuss books, a stuffed Horton in the middle, and even some Cat in the Hat candies on a plate. We'll get to those later - yummy!

It did snow outside, of course. It snowed all day long, but didn't really stick as well as last time. Still, it was dangerous driving early on with all the slick and slush. The office closed at 11:00, and everyone left around 1:00 or so. Daddy still had to do a bit of work from home, but in the meantime, Mommy and Madison were working on this delightful Cat in the Hat hat. With Mommy's help, Madison actually colored within the lines the red paint you see on her hat - and the rim is made from a paper plate. Madison likes wearing the hat. She wore it as Daddy read to her a few Dr. Seuss books, including "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish." If you look closely at the photo above, you can see Madison actually wearing a t-shirt that says the same thing! Our little girl was all dressed up in Dr. Seuss clothing today!
The next book we read was "Green Eggs and Ham," which Madison enjoyed greatly. What was great about it was the acting out we did towards the end. Would you like to try some, Madison? She would pretend to hoist a fork up and sample the green eggs and ham. Yummy! What she didn't know was that Mommy was making Green Eggs and Ham for dinner! All of us had a great meal, and we didn't have to eat it in a box, with a fox, in the rain or on a train. It was still a great dinner just the same, as we were able, and yes, on a table.
Here she is, not afraid to try something new - even if it is bright green! Madison was fearless when trying out the Green Eggs. Perhaps she learned from the book, or perhaps she didn't want to see Sam I Am coming around the corner to harass her. What a neat recipe: Mommy used the egg white, and made green egg yolks from a deviled egg mix that had a bit of green food coloring. It was a fun dinner, and a tasty one too. As the snow still fell outside, we had a good time at the table. Madison ate a lot, but our festivities weren't over just yet. In fact, earlier in the day Mommy was working on an ultra tasty and yummalicious top secret desert item.
Here Madison is, trying out one of Mommy's soon-to-be-famous Cat in the Hat snacks. It is a marshmallow, covered in icing and rested on a Nilla wafer. For the red stripes, Mommy added cut strips of fruit roll-ups and wrapped them around the hats. The final step was adding a red icing on the top of the hat. These were really good, as you can tell by Madison's expression. There's still a few more in the kitchen as I type this, but I'm not sure how much longer they'll be there! I am being really serious here!
Our movie of the night just had to be "Horton Hears a Who," which has a whole lot of significance with Madison. It was the perfect Dr. Seuss movie to end the celebration. We hadn't seen it in a while, and certain parts still make us all laugh out loud. This was the movie that played on the airplane ride over to China, and this was the movie that was on inside the playroom at the White Swan Hotel. The movie was also playing on the plane ride back from China, so we definitely got to see it a few times that year. It is a funny movie with a couple good messages within. Some they hit you over the head with over and over again, but there are definitely some big laughs and quirky characters. The three of us munched on popcorn while watching it tonight, all snuggled up in bed. It was a fun day, with snow falling outside and Dr. Seuss fun on the inside. I told Mommy she'd be a great cruise director with all the things she plans for us. I say "us," because Madison isn't the only one who enjoys our time together. She always plans a great time, whether in a box, with a fox, on a train, in the rain, with a goat, on a boat, here or there - or anywhere!

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