Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Noah's Ark

Another day of downpours. Since the weather has been so wet as of late, we've begun constructing the ark you see above in our front yard. Sure, the neighbors are laughing now, but just wait until all those animals start lining up two by two. Especially the okapis!

This might be a good opportunity to refer to our popular Madison's Book Club section below:

This is another telling of the story of Noah's Ark, but a pretty unusual one. Picture a hillbilly from Tennessee called to build a large ark - and then picture a small stray dog who befriends the man. This is "Little Scraggly Hair: A Dog on Noah's Ark." It's told with a serious country accent, which I don't recommend when teaching a young'n to talk, specially one of them-thar three-year olds. But, the pictures are cute, and it is yet another different way to tell the Bible story of Noah's Ark. Madison certainly likes the book - she's asked me to read it to her from time to time. Daddy mostly makes up the dialogue at this point, as the story tells itself: it rains and rains and rains.

Which is oddly enough what is happening now. Maybe we really are in the last days. Jesus did say "as in the days of Noah."

Just saying...

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