Saturday, February 1, 2025

Valentine's Day Train

Here it is, our Valentine's Day gingerbread creation this year.  Maddie and I set up shop on the kitchen table as we played the movie "Gnomeo and Juliet" on the television - a Valentine's Day tradition recently.  As we were watching, we added the heart shaped candy to the gingerbread train.  You can see we have the conversation hearts and a few other things too - it's a big messy train, but it's fun, and it probably tastes pretty good too!  Maddie was working n the back of the train while I was working on the engine.  It turned out pretty good!

Here's something else we watched:  Jack Frost!  Pardon-Me-Pete was on the big screen today, narrating the story, and I was thinking how great this animation was.  They had really come along way since the original "Rudolph" animations - the overall advancements were impressive.  Anyway, we enjoyed it.  Tomorrow's the big day!  We'll be up early, and hopefully we can catch Phil's prediction before we drive off to church.  But in the meantime, here's a snack that I made for everyone this afternoon:

Groundhog Day snacks!  I do these for co-workers and in tomorrow's case, volunteers.  We'll be celebrating Groundhog Day in style tomorrow!

This morning we had a return to Team Edge practice.  Maddie was working hard with the team.  And goofing off with the team too - it was pretty much like it always is.  But Maddie was glad to be back with the team - this was the first practice of the year. 

I was getting the "Slam Dunk" booklet worked on some more and doing some office work, creating graphics and handouts for tomorrow.  Mom made us this fantastic spaghetti meal today, and so I pulled out the "Lady and the Tramp" soundtrack on vinyl, and we had ourselves a nice Italian meal while listening to "Bella Notte."  

Working off the calories, I was on the treadmill while watching some more of a 8-hour series about teh book of Revelation.  It's been super interesting.  I keep on that treadmill as often as I can.

Tonight's movie (after "Jack Frost") was one we hadn't seen in a  long time.  I'm not sure I remember seeing it, actually!  Anyway, because we just saw a hockey game, we watched "Tooth Fairy," which features a hockey player that is forced to serve as a tooth fairy for a few weeks.  Fun movie!  Made me think back to all of Maddie's Tooth Fairy visits in the past.  There were some good ones!

Okay, moving on.  It's late, and we have to get up early to see the groundhog tomorrow.  Then church after that.  It'll be a good day, but today was a great one as well!

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