Friday, January 31, 2025

So Long and Thanks for the Fish

Today was the last day for the voices and personalities at the Fish, a local Atlanta radio station that's been around for twenty-five years.  It's been more of a ministry than a radio station, and that was the goal.  But the powers that be, however they were, chose to break a lot of hearts for whatever reason.  Many of us in the listening area are filled with grief by the decision - perhaps they weren't making enough money to continue to exist?  I don't know.  All I know is that the station was more than just music tracks.  It was personalities, a family, and a ministry to many.  And now it's wrapping up.  Today we were listening to this without stop all through the day, looking back as they remembered many events throughout the twenty-five years they've been on the air.  Lots of memories.  Lots of tears too.  We were a little teary eyed in the car as we listened.

We had a pretty decent creative meeting today, and this was a big one.  We spent a few hours talking about what to do for Easter.  This was Donna, Pastor Lance, Mom and myself, and can you believe the four of us came up with the idea for the narrators and story for the big Easter production in a few months? We still have to write it, but it all started here, today.  Just a hint, but it'll involve Peter, Paul and Mary.  And no, not the musical artists of the same name!  We'll see how things unfold, but I have to start writing next week. 

We were down in Braselton earlier today, moving props down there - and getting a few too.  We were also wrapping up the preparation for our Groundhog Day skit.  Should be fun.  We have so much going on right now with new books and a production and all the other things.  Tonight we had taekwondo too, and while that was going on, I was at church working again.  I'll have to be there tomorrow, I'm sure.  Just so much to do.

That was all shut down tonight though - we spent some time watching "The Wild Robot," which wasn't too bad.  it certainly had some laugh-out-loud moments in there.  It was basically Baymax and/or Wall-E on a deserted island with a lot of wildlife.  We enjoyed it.

We read some after that, and got to sleep pretty quickly.  Last day of January.  Time to get some rest.

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