Monday, January 20, 2025

Inauguration 2

Well, historical sort of day today, and hopefully in a good way.  President Trump is back for his second term, and given that it was so cold outside, he chose to do the ceremony indoors in the rotunda.  It made me want to go back to Washington again, seeing all these iconic locations.  I was there some time ago, and Mom was too, both of us on separate trips.  It'd be nice to return, and Maddie did express an interest in going.

In any event, Maddie had the Trump rubber duck watching the television as we basically spent the day watching various events.  Mom and I were remarking how despite it all, we were glad we were to get to see him - and others - along the campaign trail.  

We saw the two Presidents leave for the capital together, and we saw the inauguration itself again.  These inaugurations are so amazing to see, with such a heavy sense of history.  Some time ago, I remember one day seeing all these people in a Trump Store, and that being the day I thought that Trump could really be re-elected.  It was wild to think that was a possibility, and yet here we are, right?

After that, there were a few other events too, and we caught some of those on the phone because we had an appointment with Doc Williams today too.

They were excited about the inauguration there too, and Dr. Williams was pretty happy to get a Trump rubber duck from us. We had quite a few of them, and have been giving them away here and there on Sunday and then today.  

We got our adjustments, and then we headed back home to watch some more on television - the parades, the executive orders in the arena, the galas... it's been called the start of a "Golden Era."

We continued our reading tonight, and we said our prayers afterwards.  It's been an otherwise quiet but cold day outside.  We got under those blankets and got to sleep eventually - those galas went late into the night!

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