Monday, January 27, 2025

National Chocolate Cake Day

It's National Chocolate Cake Day today, so when I was at the grocery store tonight, I was sure to pick up a gluten free chocolate cake to bring home to surprise Mom.  And yes, we had ourselves a nice little celebration tonight!  It was actually super rich and really delicious!

It was certainly something to brighten up a gloomy rainy day, not that we were in any kind of bad mood.  It's winter, and it's supposed to be cold.  It gives you something to look forward to in the spring, and also something to look forward to when getting home if you want to put another fire in the fireplace.  We did this tonight, and it was pretty nice.  We watched "Kronk's New Groove" this evening, and got to go back to Pancake Junction with Kronk for a bit.  Lot of nostalgia with this movie, and we still like it.

We're working on writing today for basketball - for "Slam Dunk," our new series.  Working on the first message, it's been fun working in a bit of a basketball angle for fun.  We're talking about Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness, and how they kept going out of bounds.  There are a lot of other metaphors I was picking up the other night while watching the teams play hoops at the high school.  I think this will be a fun series.  We're even getting new jerseys made!

Today we were getting a few Valentine's Day decorations up, and some Groundhog Day ones too even!  Mom has been great about setting up things around the house.  We continued with a bit of our housecleaning, as that is a colossal task. 

There was time for relaxing, and we touched on the bluebird puzzle too.  I kept on the treadmill, still walking through the book of Revelation with this one series I've been doing lately.  Got a couple badges for January on iFit, so that's cool too.

Maddie's been busy at school.  She's got an economics class that's no much to talk about.  And of course math, which isn't quite the party you want to go to.  But the photography class has been a lot of fun.  She processed her pictures of the posed toys from this weekend, and we'll have to share a few of those when we can.  They look great - we can scan those perhaps soon and share them here.

Tonight was taekwondo for her.  I was off grocery shopping, because the fast is over and we can get all kinds of things now.  Like Valentine's Day Fruit Loops!  Yes, that's a thing.  I picked up a box of those, not just for breakfast, but also perhaps using with an upcoming gingerbread house project.  We got this gingerbread train for Christmas, and wet kept it around for Valentine's Day.  I don't know why more people don't sell gingerbread houses for Valentine's Day.  Why not?

Anyway, it's been a good day.  Maddie saw possum on our back deck, and we actually spotted a squirrel on our back deck too.  The birds have been loving our selection, all kinds of visitors there enjoying the seeds and water.  Inside, we have two other pets - at least two.  We still have a few healthy sea monkeys flitting about inside this tank, and they appear to be having a great time, the tank nearly all to themselves.

It's been a good day.  We read tonight, and we said our prayers.  Tomorrow should be a good day.  We have leftover chocolate cake for our lunches!

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