Well, our snowman is looking a little woozy today, but that's okay, we got you! It was a pleasant day today, and in fact warmer. By "warmer," I mean the temperature got to something in the 50's, which feels downright springlike at this point. It's amazing how quickly you get acclimated.
Maddie sent me a picture of the negatives she was processing, and that was pretty cool. But I looked closely at one and couldn't figure out what it was a picture of.
I was still puzzling over this, so I did the negative reverse of it, and thought, is that Godzilla?
Sure enough, it looks like Godzilla. Look at that eye up there. And his mouth is wide open like he's about to do one of those fire breathing attacks or something! This is how bad my eyes apparently are. And how bad my brain is. Because when Maddie got home she said that it was a picture of someone putting her hands in her hair. I'm like, "What?"
OH. Turn it sideways! Duh! So yeah, anyway, she's having fun in that class with developing her negatives. I know she took some pictures in the snow with the 35mm the other day, so we'll see how those came out as well.
Tonight she had taekwondo, and she's focused on that new year with new discipline in January. They'll be focused on the team performance and of course she's focused on getting that third degree belt. That should come late in the year, I think.
Today Mom and I were focused on this next KidPak booklet, working together on some activities for the book within. I was on the treadmill, and I was watching "War Room," which I've never seen before. It's been really good actually. I'm keeping up that treadmill routine, and the blood pressure seems okay, unless there's some dietary aberration. I'm discovering the relationship between certain foods and these weird spikes in blood pressure. Not cool in the middle of the night. I just have to watch what I eat before bedtime. Anyway, moving on, Mom started up a puzzle in the kitchen area, and the three of us spent some time working on that tonight. We made some good progress! We're not 1000 piece puzzle people, but 500 is just right. This was a holiday puzzle I got for Mom last year during our "Christmas in May" day at the Inn at Christmas Place. The three of us sat and relaxed, finding the home for each piece as we listened to some relaxing music.
Our devotional time tonight was from "The Chosen," of course, and we watched the third episode again so that we'll be ready for our new devotional material in the next chapter. This has been a good thing, guided questions from the episode. Listening to everyone's thoughtful answers has been so good for the soul.
Tonight we closed things out with reading, and of course prayer. Time to get some sleep!
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