Saturday, February 8, 2025

Fog and Self Defense

This morning Lake Lanier was one of those misty fog worlds where you couldn't see the lake at all, rather just a foggy chasm below the bridge, and a vast expanse of bright mist as far as the eye can see.  Going over the bridge, you just drive right into the midst of it, and for a few moments, you could be just anywhere.  It happens from time to time, and sure it's just fog.  But it's pretty cool nonetheless.

Maddie started today out with a class on self-defense, for starters being used in a demonstration in front of the class.  It was a larger class, one that the demo team was invited to join this morning.  So they did, and Maddie was talking about afterwards the different things that she was learning, and probably the one thing that all the kids generally have difficulty with:  shouting.  It's funny that they can be all athletically inclined and able to do so much, but there's a certain amount of aggressive shouting that's needed or recommended at times, and sometimes that's a hard ask for an introvert.  Maddie did well this morning with her aggressive shouts while learning some useful things that she hopefully won't ever need to actually implement. 

Afterwards, I promised her some boba tea so we were off to our favorite little boba tea place this morning, the one in Oakwood.  We picked up some Sun Moon Lake Tea and some Alpine Green Milk Tea, and continued our day from there.

We're starting a new puzzle this week, or at least an old one that we haven't done in a while.  It's a Valentine's Day themed one, a large image showing a lot of different vintage Valentine's Day cards from a hundred years ago.  It's a 600 piece puzzle, and an easier one because it's pretty much several small puzzles all joined together.  Anyway, we were working on that a bit.  I was on the treadmill at home too, marching along as I was watching a new movie, "Overcomer."  It starts out with a basketball theme, and that was my reasoning.  But the movie has a twist or two, and a story of faith that is developing.  The last few months I've seen the other two from this production company, including "Facing the Giants" and "War Room," both of which were better than I thought.  I'll continue this one as I walk along on the treadmill this week.

Mom and I spent a good bit of time on the front porch today, relaxing and enjoying this remarkable weather outside.  We brought a few books out there - I've been doing a pretty decent study of the book of Revelation, really trying to digest a lot of it.  It's been fascinating.  Of course, there's also the handheld devices with social media - we've been news junkies the last few weeks.  Lots going on.

Lots going on in a galaxy far, far away too - Maddie and I joined the "Battlefront" again tonight, revisiting some of our favorite galactic destinations like Hoth, Kamino and the Death Star.  It was fun beating up on the Empire, or the Rebels, or whatever it is we wanted to do.  

Tonight's movie was "Beautician and the Beast," a classic to go along with the Valentine's Day movie season.  We watched that one together tonight, and just for fun the first episode of "The Nanny," to sort of tie it all together.  But soon it was bedtime, and so we got to reading, and saying our prayers before bed.  It was a good day, and tomorrow will be a good one too!

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