Thursday, February 20, 2025

Fish Drawing

We watched the ice hockey game tonight, and it was one for the ages - USA vs. Canada.  Both teams were pretty evenly matched, and the game was so close it went into overtime, and wow, we're talking about an intensity there.  It was such a close game, and anyone could have come out on top.  Canada came out on top in the end, and congratulations to them.  Obviously its disappointing to USA, but remember that ice hockey is pretty much all Canada has, and if that is taken from them, they have pretty much nothing at all.  It's like Alabama and college football.  I mean, we live right next door to Alabama and yet Maddie has never been there because there's nothing there.  The only thing they have is college football, a small patch of coastline, a space program, and Hitler's typewriter.  Obviously the coastline and space program in Florida are bigger and better, so unless you're a huge fan of typewriters, there's not much to Alabama.  Similarly, Canada has ice hockey.  They have a Niagara Falls and the Rocky Mountains, but of course all of that is shared by USA.  They don't have any typewriters, so let's let them have this victory lap, eh?  

There was taekwondo tonight, with Maddie working on her form and helping other students.  She's been proud of the fact that she can see some direct improvement in students as a result of her counsel.  She's a good teacher!

She did this amazing drawing in art recently, and it's part of a larger project, but take a look at it now.  She did this free hand, not tracing it, and she based it on about three separate drawings that she saw.  It came out really well, and again, it's a work in progress.  Eventually, this design will make itself to a piece of fabric, so we'll see how all that turns out shortly.

It was a quiet day otherwise.  We got done a good bit towards the "Exodus" series at KidPak, something we're revisiting in May.  Makes me want to see "The Ten Commandments" again!  Lots going on at the office now, one of the more urgent things being a filming session in a few weeks where we make video clips of the Last Supper and other moments of the Resurrection story.  Lots of casting, costuming, and now transportation issues - we're filming in Atlanta.  This may be better for the filming team, but not the volunteers, who have to get there somehow.  Otherwise, the Easter production is moving along.  I've helped write a good portion of it, and that's always an honor.

We had time to read tonight, just a bit, and we did say our prayers before bedtime.  It was a decent day today, and a bitter cold one too.  It's in the teens or twenties tonight outside, with this wind that makes whatever you're wearing irrelevant because it passes right through and chills you to the bone.  It's cold out there.  We've had so many polar vortexes this year, or whatever it is they're called.  I think it's time to bundle up again and get a good night's rest!

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