Thursday, August 10, 2023

More Tie Dye


Tonight we had another Tie Dye Days event, the second and last where students were getting t-shirts and having a team of volunteers make the colorful patterns.  Maddie's hasn't been done yet, mainly because we've been so busy.  I was in Dawsonville three separate times today - Mom was there for hours at Nana's side.  Nana seems to have had a better day today, interacting and smiling and get this - even eating some.  Mom made some of her homemade chicken soup, and brought that along to Nana, who managed to have some of that for a late meal.  But the day was a lot of driving for me.  Maddie enjoyed school, getting a 100 on a history quiz.  Tomorrow she starts working with clay in her ceramics class.  Forensics is still in the note-taking stage - no dead bodies yet.  But there are some in the last two episodes of "Monk" we watched tonight.  Consider Maddie hooked!  Anyway, it's been a long day - we got some things done for church, but we've got a lot more to do tomorrow, including more visits to Nana.  It's tiring!  Here are a few more photos I took of the Tye Dye event tonight...

We read tonight from "Leia" of course, and we said our prayers too.  Today was a bad day - a really bad day - in Hawaii.  We heard about Lahaina this morning, and were filled with grief.  We were there several times, and I can't believe what has happened here.  We were listening to the soundtrack of U'lalena, and reminiscing about the time we spent in Lahaina.  I have a Hawaiian shirt from the Hilo Hattie's there, and Mom has a pearl ring from there.  I remember eating at the Bubba Gump restaurant a few times, and the Cheeseburger in Paradise as well.  The art galleries were wonderful, and I there was the ride in the Reefdancer too.  I think I remember a Hard Rock Cafe there back in the day, and I definitely remember riding the train by the sugar cain fields.  The beautiful banyan tree made me tear up, thinking of that terrible loss - it was such a beautiful tree there in Lahaina.  We're heartbroken about the news there.  

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