Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Back to the Mansion

Maddie and I have been back to Luigi's Mansion 3 lately, and we've started the entire story all over again. One reason for this is that with Nana not currently in the house, we can spend a little more time on these games that take longer, and wow, this one is a bigger game of course.  It's mainly that because we're not so much as "mission objective" type people, but rather we like to explore and see what's there to find.  And with any of these games, there's usually plenty of surprises.  With the craziness of the upcoming seasons, we're apparently starting our "Fall Season" stuff a little early this year, and I'm okay with that.  Got to squeeze it in somewhere!  So off to the spooky mansion we go, gearing up for another season full of pumpkins and hopefully a chill in the air.

Okay, so that chill might have to wait.  It's super hot outside.  And despite all that, Christmas is in the air - we're planning the big Christmas production for the church, and much to my surprise, the entire idea I pitched about a Christmas story from Joseph's perspective.  So now we need to get writing, right?  Well, the first thing we were doing this morning was meeting about the KIDPAK Christmas production, also going on this December and also needing to be written.  That process was interrupted by the other meeting... it was just a long day.  Maddie was along for the ride, present at at least the first meeting where we were discussing the Grinch and doing a possible retelling of that story with the KidPak kids and characters.

And then it was off to the hospital.  Lots of running around today.  We got Nana a cheeseburger from McDonald's because we know that's the only thing she largely eats.  And then we went to see her for a good while, although a tiny bit in, I was off to a nice window area by the elevators there, sitting with my laptop working on various things for KidPak and elsewhere.  It's been crazy.

On top of this, suddenly I'm lactose intolerant to a nearly violent degree.  I thought I have been having heart troubles again, it's been so bad.  It was instant, and it started on Saturday, a few days prior.  Sunday is when I really began to suspect when I took about four licks of an ice cream cone, and the pain in my chest got pretty sharp.  So we'll be testing out the lactose theory this week.  Needless to say, I'm pretty bummed.  

Anyway, tonight we closed out the first day of August with some reading from the book "Leia" and a short prayer at bedtime.  School is starting soon... tomorrow is the last day of summer break!

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