Friday, August 11, 2023

Black Belt Group Shot

Here's a group shot I was asked to take tonight of the black belt class.  You can see Maddie and her friend in the front row wearing their tie-dye t-shirts from this week.  Master Edge saw that we had a fairly large group here, and when he saw me walk in he asked for the quick favor, which I was happy to oblige.  Group shots are funny though - there's always someone blinking or making a dumb face.  One kid in particular was doing that, so I took several of these group shots, and managed to get ONE shot where he wasn't making that face.  Then I had to transpose that face over the weird one, as the rest of the group wasn't ready in that original shot and... oh, I think I'm making this sound complicated.  Well, it was a pain.  Anyway, here's the final result - a sort of mix of photos that I think turned out okay.  It's a great group of kids though!  Or rather, students.  Although at my age, I can call them all "kids!"

So today we were back and forth to Dawsonville to visit Nana, who seems to be rallying somewhat.  This is an official part of the hospice care process though, so that sort of tempers things a bit about hopeful outcomes I guess.  But it's still a pleasant thing - she's eating and conversing and making jokes.  She's bedridden, but she's at least communicating and smiling.  I've been driving back and forth from Dawsonville to Oakwood to Dawsonville to Oakwood to Dawsonville, doing this all week.  Lots and lots of time in the car getting Maddie, dropping her off, getting Mom, dropping her off, and so on.

We were getting a lot done for KidPak today, working on the upcoming new series, "The Spirit Awakens," where we're back on Tatooine, minus the 501st in any official capacity.  Disney doesn't allow their characters at a place of worship, which of course just continues to not improve their publicity, which of course has taken a massive hit or two or three these past few years.  I would say dating back to 2015, in fact.  But we will have some characters in an unofficial capacity, and it should be fun for the kids here.

We're working on this new series, "Extraordinary Tales from the Bible," which has a great Ripley's Believe it or Not vibe to it.  We're nearly done with the writing for that one, and one of our talented college kids is working on some ideas for the illustrations now as I write this.

Tonight for research, we watched "Episode I" again, because why not.  And we read from "Leia" as well, just before prayers, and rapidly going to sleep.  Wow, we're all pretty zonked from all this traveling!

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