Thursday, August 24, 2023

Hummingbirds and Hummingbird Moths

Thursday.  Maddie's allergies were a little tough today, so she sat out on taekwondo tonight.  She's okay - it's just that occasionally allergies get the best of her when she hasn't taken medication.  She gets the sniffles and is a little stuffy, and that's no fun when sparring.  Tonight we sat back and continued our binge watching of the show "Monk," which she really enjoys of course.  I'm not saying anything within this show will coincide with her actual forensics class, but that was the basis for revisiting it, and the thing is, she's genuinely enjoying the show.  We've seen it all before, but it's been so long that we actually don't remember a lot of the punchlines or who did what.  So we're all enjoying the show again, and Maddie is doing well in forensics, by the way.  She was pretty excited to report that she got a pretty good grade on her first test this year - good for her!

We finished up the skit somewhat today, so our Star Wars series should be fun this weekend.  We still have pirate outfits to get, but we're getting there on that.  We'll head to a thrift store tomorrow to see what else we can cobble together.

Maddie got to see the hummingbird moth, and that was pretty cool.  And the hummingbirds were at the back yard, one in particular claiming this as her dominion.  She's even been seen perching there on the railing right next to the feeder.  MINE, she says.  And don't you think otherwise!

It was largely a quiet day for us here.  We read tonight, and we said our prayers too.  Mom has been praying over us each day, and feeding us well with all the supplements we need.  We've even got the anointing oil on our heads and other medications too.  She's quite on top of that.  We slept better tonight after prayers.  The Braves are doing so well, and it's such fun to see the clips, and listen to these games on the radio as we travel.  It's an epic team this year, certainly the best offensive team we have ever had.  That was fun.

Also in Georgia, and certainly not fun, is the shame I have in being a Georgia citizen tonight.  Apparently we have a few extremely self-serving, divisive people in one particular judicial system here.  Rather than putting the needs of this struggling country first, their misguided ideas instead involve unprecedented action against a previous President.  So what does this accomplish for our nation?  What is the fruit of this action, and what will now be acceptable from this point on as a result of this?  Either side of the political spectrum can find a local court system to be a malformed puppet, using it to attack a political candidate of their choosing.  And so rather than debate ideas at all in the public forum, we'll have this sort of thing for our campaigns instead, as this as our way of dealing with leaders we disagree with politically.  Why not?  It worked before.  Rather than debate ideas, the corrupt systems of government that side with opposing ideologies can be used to conjure up legal offenses and accusations that bog down everything so that nothing is ever accomplished.  They can hide behind phrases like "No one is above the law," while they themselves are in fact above the law.  We wouldn't want this against any previous president, regardless of party.  Or if it does happen, that standard had better be something egregious.  Otherwise, why put the country through this, especially at such a difficult time?  Where is the wisdom in this?  Tonight we have seen a serious lack of foresight.  It is opening a Pandora's box, and it will cost us all dearly.

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