Sunday, February 26, 2023

VGPA Meeting


We had a revisit to a funny skit this morning, one that Maddie hasn't been a part of before, but she had a great time joining the cast with a Video Game Players Anonymous Meeting.  As you can see above, things go a bit awry when Jeremiah can't control his bad habit of playing Fortnite all the time.  Intervention was necessary! 

It's one of those skits where we have a great time poking fun at the amount of time we play certain games, like those farming games, for example.  The crops aren't real, Nia!  And then of course there's old-school addictive games like Pac-Man too.

The team there had their lab jackets and sedatives, which rather than a shot I went with large feathers and the medical crew chanting out, "Hey nonny, nonny."  Like Carl from "Jimmy Neutron."

It was super fun, anyway.  You can imagine how crazy it got in there with cast members running around through the auditorium with lots of screaming and pleading to play just one more game.

Before every service, here's half the cast prepping with lines and working out how to deliver lines or where to be and so on.

It's a lot of fun Sunday mornings.  Maddie's there on my couch, right next to Bob the LEGO man, and Ezra of course.  We have a lot of fun rehearsing beforehand, but when the time gets close to going out there on stage, we get pretty serious and ready... until of course we're on stage.  Then anything goes

It was a good day today, another full Sunday.  We got home and had a big meal that Mom prepared for us - we've had chicken parmesan and spaghetti, and the chicken of course is fried with something that is gluten free.  Good stuff!  

We got back to church after that for our final 4pm service of the series.  Better Together" may be the theme upstairs, but down at KidPak we were continuing the "Game On" series with a message that I delivered about the game "Hedbanz."  It was a good afternoon, and a good message.  Because it's a board game series, we get there early and there are four or five of us that sit down to play a board game in the office an hour and a half before service.  Last week we did Mario Life, but this week we tried a new game, "A Goofy Movie Boardgame."

It was actually really fun!  It's amazing that they can make these license games so fun, as we remember most license video games were just usually a bad game that had familiar characters in it and that was that. But these board games have been great lately.  This one featured four characters traveling across the country, collecting photos and memories as they try to get to the Powerline concert in time.  It was quite a race, but Maddie beat out Josh and Bryce, with poor Isaac not even getting to the concert!

We got home afterwards, and Maddie had homework to do.  Mom and I watched a movie we hadn't seen before, "Kate & Leopold."  It was actually pretty good.  Some of these movies you lower the bar for quite a bit and when you get around to seeing them, you actually enjoy them quite a bit.  We were glad to add this one to the romantic comedy collection for February, which is drawing to a close of course.

Tonight we had some ice cream in gluten-free ice cream cones, and we played some "Super Smash Brothers" when Maddie was done with homework.  We had time to have a massive "Ice Climber" match, where every player was two "Ice Climber" characters, which was about as chaotic as you think.  Anyway, that was fun, and it was brief too - we had to get to bed soon.

We finished "Reaper Man" tonight, and the ending is so sentimental that I've suddenly put this book at the top of my Discworld book list.  The Character of Death is certainly our favorite at the moment.  We loved this book, and tomorrow we'll continue with the Discworld books, probably filling a blank for Maddie as to what happens to Rincewind the Wizzard between "Sorcery" and "Interesting Times."  It's a book called "Faust Eric," and it's a shorter and more unusual book.  We'll begin that tomorrow night, moving along with the Discworld.  I got the final hard cover Discworld books for Christmas, the last of the novels anyway.  It's the entire novel collection in hard cover, although I don't have all the supplemental books yet, like Nanny Ogg's cookbook and so on.  But I'll eventually get all those too, as I'm a huge fan of all things Discworld.  Maddie seems to like it too.  I haven't finished reading every novel yet, but I'm enjoying reading these particular ones to Maddie right now.  

We said our prayers tonight, and we're thankful for a great Sunday.  Tomorrow is a somewhat eventful day as we meet about Nana.  Things are not going as well as we'd like there.  We went to bed early tonight, ready to tackle a big day tomorrow.

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