Monday, February 27, 2023

Hippy Hearts

Here's a bit of creative hippie artwork Maddie made for her early childhood class, and of course it isn't really hippy artwork, but it does have that general vibe to it when you think of the movie we just saw.  She shared this and other artwork with us recently, and I love it all.  

We were on our way to taekwondo tonight, but yeah, there was another big accident on Browns Bridge Road.  Basically, life on a lake presents its challenges, as some pathways through it all are over peninsulas connected by bridges.  A two-lane road on that one peninsula causes trouble for everyone when people drive too fast on a curvy little road like that.  It just takes one accident to shut things down for hours.  And that being the case, we found ourselves waiting and waiting in line, trying to make that decision to either wait or just turn around.  We missed the first class, but gave ourselves time to turn around, drive all the way back and around the other part of the lake so we could get to the second class in time.  And it was okay, despite the increased traffic everywhere else.  We made it.  Maddie had a good time sparring and working on form to improve it.  We're going to do another testing on next Monday, so there was a lot of wrapping up there.

They have the GTMA logo on the wall now, a new logo up here for the first time in over twenty years.  Or more.  They're cleaning all that up and the idea is to have the new logo up there for testing time, and other more formal pictures.  

We met with Nana again today, and in fact, she'll have three visits this week when Uncle George stops in to visit as well.  We covered today's visit, and of course we also were meeting with the staff there, who are recommending a serious turn of events.  They want her in the memory care area, and we're just not as impressed with that side of things.  The larger area is nice, the one for residents without memory care issues.  But where they are recommending Nana is something concerning for Mom and I, and it's a big deal.  Nana's memory is in serious decline of late, and though she goes down to eat at the diner area, she does not eat much at all, as she says she's not very hungry.  Clearly, some prompting needs to take place for several issues, so we're at a big crossroads decision here.  

It was raining again today.  It'll rain on and off this week.  We read tonight, from our devotional and from the Discworld, and then it was time for prayers and a good night.

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