Sunday, February 19, 2023

Pac-Man Fever


KidPak had Pac-Man Fever today with a great message and a fantastic start to the new series, "Level Up." It was a super fun skit, quite a noisy one too.  Maddie was one of the fruits, along with Inky and Blinky, and of course Pac-Man himself, who learned quite a bit today about how to power up.  It was a fun, and it was cool to have some fun pictures of both of the morning's services.

We got home and Mom had this fantastic fish dinner ready, and we had just a little time to spend together before turning around... and going back again for our third service of the day, the one with a board game theme for the series "Game On."  Tonight's service was themed to "UNO," and between services we had this oversized version of "UNO" that Maddie, Skylar, Jeremiah and Ezra were sitting around playing for a good bit.

We also had a great time playing a board game before service too one where Josh, Maddie, Bryce and I played - "Super Mario LIFE."  It was an exhilarating game, one where Josh was dominating for a good bit until Maddie suddenly made a dive for the finish line at the end with a dramatic come-from-behind victory!

During the service, Maddie and I were doing just about everything from working the slides in the sound booth to hosting the UNO game on the stage to assisting Camille with the message tonight:

It was a great night - also a long day.  But it was good, and it was all worth it.  But we're tired here getting home.  I got some gluten free ice cream cones at the grocery store, and we were ready for ice cream at hoe.  Inspired by our trip to the movies yesterday, we watched the first "Ant-Man" movie, later on snacking on cheese and crackers.  We've got some special cheeses that we pick up from time to time, including some flavored Wensleydale and other unique kinds of cheese.

Later on, it was time for bed.  We read, and we said our prayers afterwards.  It was a good day, a full, long day, but a good one.

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