Thursday, February 9, 2023

Another Rainy Night in Georgia

Here's Maddie and Mrs. Edge tonight at practice, looking like ninjas!  They both had their Edge hoodies on and Mrs. Edge saw that, and although it seemed like a good opportunity for a selfie, Mrs. Edge wasn't quite ready for it!  She opted for the hood drawn down look, while Maddie stuck to looking fierce.  These are two ninjas you don't want to mess with!

As you can see, the Gummy Bear project is coming along very nicely.  Maddie sent a picture to to me this morning while I was meeting with Dawn and Camille, who both wanted to let Maddie know that it looked great. 

We sent this picture back to Maddie with a note that said "Camille and Dawn say hi!"  Maddie enjoyed that.  

It was a good day today.  After taekwondo, of course, Maddie had her small groups in her room, and that was great fun for her and the girls.  Meanwhile, Mom and I were watching "Back to the Future" until she was ready to come down and get a pizza as a last-minute snack.  Also some conversation hearts.  A word about conversation hearts:  Maddie is clearly addicted to them.  I mean, it's crazy!  She nearly inhales them.  This is okay, because Valentine's Day is around the corner, and it's a seasonal candy.  We've gone through two bags already.  Once we opened the first bag for the gingerbread house decorating the other day, that was it for the bag.  Like a raccoon, she found the other bag up on the top shelf of the pantry, sniffing it out and opening it up on her own, dumping its contents in the bowl.  I have to ask again, but I think her favorite color are the white ones, no matter the message.  I lean towards the pink ones myself!  Mom likes the yellow ones, and it seems as if there are more blue/green ones left in the bowl towards the end.  I think Maddie and I still will eat all those no matter what!  Anyway, it's fairly obvious Maddie is addicted to this candy, so I was surprised to hear at the office how others do not like conversation hearts that much.  What?  How is this even possible?  Oh well.  More conversation hearts for us!

The rain is falling.  Again.  It has been such a rainy season.  The rainy night in Georgia makes it easy to go to sleep though.  Before that, of course, we read tonight, nearing the end of our Narnia devotional, which has been fun to read again.  Maddie has been on and off with correct guesses as to who wrote each entry, be it either Joey, Camille or myself.  But it's a good thing she has difficulty some times, as we all write at about the same level!  She's enjoyed it though, noting great points by authors and commenting on certain things as I read aloud.  It's been good!  We were back in Discworld after that, and then prayers... and then it was time for sleep!

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