Thursday, September 22, 2022

Gnome Scarecrow

Mom's scarecrow gnome is complete, and I set it up on the front porch for a more formal portrait.  It came out well, something we needed to drop off at the botanical gardens today, as the official "Scarecrow in the Gardens" event starts next week.  I believe some time on Monday they'll place them in positions within the garden, and some time after that we'll drop by to visit our friend.  Until then, here are a few pictures I took of Mom's creation, which turned out well!


You can see a little nest in the wreath wrapped around the gnome's hat, and of course a small bird inside that.  The other woodland creature friends are held in our gnome's arms.

You can see them resting in his arms above, and also you can see his beard of leaves and moss, below that Muppet nose, an orange painted styrofoam ball.

It turned out well!  We left him at the gardens today, and look forward to visit him soon enough.  It wasn't too long ago that they put out an announcement that there would be a "gnome" theme to the scarecrow displays, so that meant changing our original plans and quickly brainstorming what you see above.  There were thoughts about how we would manage it in regards to the overall shape, and then of course a theme to go with the structure.  I'm not sure how many others were able to make the quick adjustment though - when I dropped our scarecrow off, there were only three other scarecrows left there so far, and just two of them had a gnome theme to them.  We'll have to see if anyone else left anything further when we drop by, but it could be the last-minute theme idea could have limited the amount of overall entries.  At the same time, it actually didn't cost anything this year to put a scarecrow in the garden at all, so there's that.  Anyway, we'll see.

So today was Thursday, and we were back to taekwondo this evening.  Uncle George is here, and he came to watch Maddie for a little bit, along with Nana and Mom too.  It was a big outing.  We got home after that, and I think we had time to watch the latest episode of "She-Hulk."  We had a bigger meal yesterday, grilling things and so forth, so not much for dinner tonight, especially given that Nana, Uncle George and Mom were out at Cheddar's this afternoon having a big meal.

Anyway, it was a quiet night, one where there was a little bit of catching up, and a little bit of homework too.  We read tonight before bed, and we said our prayers too.  Things are going okay, although we're a little under the weather from time to time - stomach issues.  But overall things are well.  

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