Thursday, September 15, 2022

Return of the Headless Horseman

Now this was a fun game!  We sat down and had a four-player game that was so intense!  We had to outrace the Headless Horseman to the covered bridge, and it was such a narrow escape.  We thought we were doomed when we spun the tree at the end, and basically went nowhere, with the rider right there on our heels.  It came down to a fifty-fifty chance with these two scare cards left.  If we picked the wrong one up, we were instantly done for.  Somehow we picked the right one, but we still had to get to that bridge, and we still had to avoid the horseman.  And sure enough, we managed to pull it off - there was all kinds of shouting and cheering going on.  Such a tense game - very fun!

Look who was at the back deck this morning!  Mom was feeding fledgling cardinal again this morning, her other young one down on the deck feeding off the plate of seeds there.  We still have the hummingbirds and the bluebirds, and at dusk and dawn we have the mourning dove patrol swooping in for their seeds too.

Maddie's taekwondo classes were tonight, one where she's an instructor for younger students and the other where she's learning more from her leadership class.  Nana and I were out shopping, picking up groceries and some little extras here and there, like sparkling apple cider.  Maddie and I had a bottle of that on the ride home.

Today is International Dot Day, which was celebrated by Camille and Maddie's small group.  Camille was rather proud of the game she made up, which worked - and Maddie won, by the way.  But the important thing is the group itself, which has been so great for Maddie.  It's a dear group of friends, and it's great they can be so honest with one another and grow so much together.  

Meanwhile, I was watching the last episode of "Light and Magic," which has been really good.  I remember all of these things in the movie industry as they were happening, how movies were changed forever.  Josh and I were having this conversation about movies, and how that era seems to have had the greatest and most impactful movies.  They don't make 'em like they used to!

Anyway, we read tonight, and we're getting close to the end of our book.  It was an exciting chapter for sure, as Kate and Constance faced down a rather vicious group of villains together.  Afterwards, we said our prayers, and it was late - so we were off to bed fairly quickly.

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