Thursday, December 9, 2021

Counting Sheep


Jingle Bell joined a new team of super heroes this morning, and he looks Incredible!  This costume change was rather easy on him, as he's pretty much entirely red as it is.  Just add a few things and suddenly he's "Incredib-Elf" or something like that.

So tonight was a big practice night for this production, and it went on for a good bit as expected, making for a late night.  One thing I've never done before is be a shepherd.  Of course, I've got the Biblical shepherd outfit on that Mom made up for us, but I'm also literally moving sheep around, all away around the building, in the front door, through the foyer, past the bookstore, into the entrance of the auditorium, across the back and up one aisle, up the stairs, and then posing there for a bit, and then going down three flights of stairs to the back exit, out into the 30 degree weather, and around the back of the church again.  The three sheep have different personalities, as all sheep do, and I've grown fond of Cottontop, who has become somewhat of the leader of the sheep, most familiar with the path and leading the way.  I've spent quite a bit of time with the sheep - and the donkey too.  The donkey's name is Minnie, and she's been a bit of a challenge going up any steps, but it's all unfamiliar territory for her, with unusual lighting indoors and so on. 

It was a late night.  Maddie was at taekwondo tonight, and this after a full day at school of course.  Midterms are coming up, so there's no rest for the weary.  She's going full steam into this season, as are we of course.  We'll catch a breather after this production is over with, but then the final countdown to Christmas is on.  In the meantime, we'll keep this short tonight - everyone's a bit zonked.  We did make time to read, and we said our prayers.  To help fall asleep, I was counting sheep... Cottontop.... Teenie... Olympia... zzzz...

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