Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Putnam and Pies

Maddie opened the refrigerator to get her lunch this morning, and was quite surprised when she saw this above - it was Jingle of course, but there was also Putnam, and there was a pie there too!  Maddie loved this idea so much that later on, she completely surprised me when I came into the bedroom, and there was Putnam, and there was a makeshift pie there at the door.  She and her groundhog Chuck were behind all that in the dark, and yes, it was a jump-scare moment - she got me!

Of course, all this is a callback to a video we showed on KPTV, KidPak's services online, one where Putnam was seen throwing pies into all our staff member's faces.  Jingle has had a few references to KidPak online this month, so he must watch it too!

Tonight we got into the Christmas spirit somethin' fierce with a yearly tradition that none of us can miss:  The Polar Express.  One thing about trains.  It doesn't matter where they're going.  What matters is deciding to get on.  Mom made us all some hot chocolate for the journey, just like she always does, and we all sat down to watch this classic movie, snuggled together there on the couch.  

Maddie had one last midterm today, but it was an easy one, and it was the last day of school for her in 2021.  I was at work for a good bit, as we were filming and doing some planning for 2022.  We finally came up with a way to do our mysteries at other campuses for our upcoming Get a Clue series.  But we also mapped out April and May's messages, where we're returning to "Kung Pow," a martial arts series that can hopefully have a guest appearance from Team Edge.  

I ordered and picked up a print of Maddie's Santa picture from this year, and we already had a frame for it, so now that one has joined the others on the shelves in the living room.  We have Maddie and Santa photos from every year, except last year of course.  That's thirteen framed pictures with Santa, plus four framed pictures with Santa Cow too!

One thing we did today was a Cookie Party!  Diana set up a cookie party at the office, one where everyone brings a different cookie plate.  She had it all set up on the conference table, and of course there was more hot chocolate there as well.  I never say no to hot chocolate.   Camille made these Spider-man cookies, and there were ginger cookies, and gingerbread men, and there was chocolate of course, and chocolate chip cookies and ... well, let's just say I've probably done enough for my sugar intake for a year or so.  I made up a tin of them and brought the cookies back to the house, where Mom, Nana and Maddie dug in right away.  It was a pretty sweet day, needless to say.

We were reading tonight, and we said our prayers too.  We're getting closer to Christmas.  Tomorrow everyone can sleep in - but there's still plenty to do!

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