Monday, December 20, 2021

Grogu at Christmas

You can see how we started the morning out above, with Grogu teaching Jingle how to make a Christmas tree float in the kitchen.  Snowflake and our little ornament look on with wonder.  Or in Snowflake's case, a look of, "I don't know about this."

Maddie was off to school again today, and off to midterms again.  I was off to get a ham.  For the first time, I was one of those people that made a reservation to get a ham at a local store.  I was expecting an experience something like this:

This lady from "Christmas in the Kranks" was nowhere to be seen, so I didn't have to fight anyone to get my ham.  In fact, it was a pretty easy experience.  We did some quick shopping, Nana and I, and were back home in no time.  We got some more Christmas cards - they're coming in more now, and that's nice to see.  We've received about twenty-five or so this year, just enough to look very nice all lined up on the shelves there.  These are the faithful card senders like us, a dwindling number nationwide.  It's apparently easier to send a text than a card, and cheaper too.  But we like sending them anyway.

Mom was looking up some ideas on how to give gift cards or cash this Christmas.  It's so boring to hand a card with some cash or a card in it, so she's got some great ideas that she's working on this week for the nephews and our niece, and my sister too.  That one I'm most excited about.  You'll see it all soon enough.

Our tree looks nice.  I didn't realize how valuable some of these ornaments on it are, some classic Hallmark ones that I've had for years now.  They're even more precious to me, but for fun we were looking up the values of each one for the first time, and wow.  That's all I'll say.  We keep getting the gift of a Grogu ornament handed to us, and now we have four different ones on the Star Wars tree.  No more, please!  We've got plenty!

This past weekend, someone did it.  They burned the goat.  It's been safe for something like five years, and I thought that this would be it for the tradition of Christmas arson.  But no, some guy set it on fire and was promptly arrested. But the damage was done, and the goat is gone for the year.  Look at all the barricades and security cameras in place, and yet still it's a blazing mess.  The war is back on in Gävle

Tonight's Christmas movie was "Circle of Love," which Maddie loves to watch, and so do we.  The fire was roaring in the fireplace, and we're finding ourselves going through all our wood supply a little earlier than expected.  We'll have to make a trip and go get some more soon enough.

We've cycled through nearly all of our Christmas movies, and there's only a few more sleeps 'til Christmas.  It'll be here soon enough! 

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