Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Elf Copies

Some time in the night, Jingle and his Christmas cohorts had some fun fooling around with our color copier, and sure enough, the evidence was left all over the place, even all across the floor!  

Speaking of copies, check out this nice collage Maddie made from pictures taken at KidPak throughout the year.  You can see different series that we've done, from Oz to Jurassic Park to Neverland and even Star Wars.  It's a nice look back on all we've been doing the last year.

It was a quiet day today, though a cold one.  We've been really going through the firewood lately, not out of necessity of course, but it does add to the ambience, and it actually is a place to come straight to from out of the cold for an instant warm-me-up.

We were watching a few Christmas specials tonight, and two with dinosaurs in them - "The Claymation Christmas Special" followed by "Toy Story That Time Forgot."  Rex and Herb are some of my favorite Christmas special characters of all time, but I suppose that's nostalgia for me, given that this came out right at the perfect time.  The Toy Story special is nice too, another favorite of ours.  We're inching towards Christmas - each morning Maddie is still doing the LEGO Star Wars advent calendar, and getting all kinds of good surprises there.  

With the Christmas production over with, there's been a lot of cleaning up, and getting ready for "Phase Two" of the Christmas season, where we attempt to salvage what's left of the Christmas season. There's still plenty going on out there, although I'm not sure what we'll be getting to given our family dynamics this year.  We'll do the best we can, and looking back, I think we've done a lot by starting earlier.  I have no shame in starting the Christmas season on December 1st, mainly because otherwise there's just not enough time to do it all!

Tonight we did our reading together, and we were off to sleep after prayers.  Maddie's school year is wrapping up soon, and I don't really have any idea how she's doing in school, so there's no much to talk about there.  But she says she's having a great year, and we'll go with that.  All of it is wrapping up soon, and then a nice winter break coming up for us.  Of course, for Mom and I there isn't really any rest with Nana in the house needing to be entertained.  But we'll do our best.

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