Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day 2020

Here is Madison with the friend that Camille gave her, Lacey.  The two spent some time on the couch today, a day of relaxing for Madison, although she did do some piano, and did help us cleaning up somewhat.  Daddy was after the cobwebs and using the vacuum all over the place.  There was a big spider that just had to go.  Sorry, big guy.  I'm usually gracious to spiders, but in this case, I was fresh out of mercy.

It was cold today, and that made it easier to stay indoors.  It is Leap Day, the day that happens once every four years.  We watched a clip from "Pirates of Penzance," one about an unfortunate character who was born on February 29th, and only gets to celebrate his birthday once every four years.

Mommy made a "Dutch Baby" for breakfast again, and it was delicious, especially with that flavored syrup.  We were cleaning up the basement somewhat, collecting things for a possible yard sale, if the community decides to do that again this spring.  At least we've gathered things up into little piles, organizing crafts and other options that are officially in the "out" box.  We finished "Thrawn" tonight, and rather than go back to Narnia, or some other things that Daddy wanted to read, the girls want to read the next book in the "Thrawn" series, so here we go.  Daddy put a hold on that next book, and just has to go get it from the library.  Needless to say, everyone enjoyed this current book.

We watched a movie on Disney Plus tonight about Timothy Failure, which wasn't quite what the trailer made it to be, but it was still a good movie nonetheless.  We had a nice day today, a relaxing day, and a good use of the extra day we were given this year.

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