Thursday, February 6, 2020


This is Madison's first Photoshop assignment, and as you can see here, she merged a picture of pumpkins with some tree foliage in the background.  It looks as if the sunlight is filtering through, illuminating the pumpkins somewhat.  She did a decent job with this, and yes, she's just getting started on it.

We woke up this morning, and there were tornado warnings.  Additionally, there's flooding and three inches of rain on average expected in certain areas.  Pictures of the flooding in Tennessee is scary, and all that is down here too.  Lake Lanier is at full pool, I think, or at least it appears that way.  The rain keeps coming, and it doesn't look like it will end for a little while, at least.

Madison was doing jumping kicks in taekwondo, or something like that.  Getting home, we didn't have time for anything much beyond dinner:  she had to study for a math quiz tomorrow.  But she had a great time in taekwondo, and is really moving forward with her training.  She's going to move up one belt color the first week of March, and by the end of summer, we'll be at the next belt color.  Then, we should be approaching a black belt some time before high school.  It goes by quickly!  She's training hard though, and is really into it.  She enjoys time with her friends there too, laughing and learning, and staying fit and prepared.  She's always talking about things on the way home, about this or that.  Daddy sits with the moms and dads and watches on, and I've been seeing a lot of progress.

Mommy was still sick today, really just spending the day sleeping.  Madison's cousin has the same thing apparently - the dominant symptom of this one seems to be fatigue.  We'll have to keep an eye on it.  We prayed for Mommy, and we prayed for everyone else who is struggling with sickness this season.  The weather is yucky outside, but on the plus side, the blankets are warm.

Daddy was at the school today, and other than that we were setting things up for our various services upcoming.  Tomorrow night is a big event for people with special needs, and we're prepping for that as well.  It's going to be a big weekend.  Hopefully Mommy will be okay through it all...

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