Friday, February 21, 2020

Sew What

Mommy finished the Olaf costume today, which took so much effort on the inside structure.  It was all these pieces of foam, carefully glued together one small section at a time with hot glue and it just became this super time-intensive project.  But it came out well, as you can see below.  We'll be using this costume at our Forsyth County campus this weekend, probably passing it along at the ONE Marriage Conference this weekend, which by the way, Daddy was working his usual spot at.

Taking pictures of hundreds of couples.  If you see this backdrop and a couple posing in front of it, Daddy took that picture.  I took hundreds of these.  The line was from here to Cambridge.  Or Cairo.  Or Coruscant.  Wherever.  It was long.  That's basically my night right there.  And my day tomorrow.

Fortunately, I got home in time to read a little bedtime story to Madison, a happy little tale about a guy who works for the Empire, Commodore Thrawn.  He's not at Admiral yet, but he's getting there.  Currently, he's dealing with an art thief, or at least he's already dealt with that poor individual who thought he could outwit Thrawn.

We ended our day with a Star Wars story, which is funny because that's how we began the day.  We started a few hours later today, due to the potential for ice on the roads and a school delay.  That's why we turned on Disney Plus this morning to watch the very first episode of Clone Wars, season seven.  It was good - all three of us give it six thumbs up!  It felt weird watching that before going to school, but Madison set the alarm for this, and right after watching, it was time to head in to school.  She got there early, which was odd, because early was 9:50 or so.  School starts at 11:00am.  But she loves school, and that's not something I'm going to try and stop.

She had a good day today, getting ready for a test next week on probability.  She's tired of Daddy's jokes about what the odds of her doing well on that test are.  Odds are, Daddy's not done yet.  Probability, in fact, is pretty high!

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