Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020

Tonight we went to the premiere of a play, the very first showing of something called "The Bra and Panty Club."  The main characters work within the lingerie section of a department store, with an interesting rivalry with the cosmetics department.  Madison, Mommy and Daddy sat in the center of the center section of the Ed Cabell theater to watch the play.

As for the play itself, the three of us enjoyed it.  There were plenty of moments to laugh, especially from the character in the picture above, in the middle.  Ultimately, it's a story about finding your purpose in life, and saying goodbye to certain things.  Our characters find their place, and even find love, which is appropriate for Valentine's Day.

It was a good day today, clear and sunny, although cold.  Daddy got Mommy some Crunchie Bars all lined up in the shape of a heart, around her Valentine's Day card, some roses and some bottles of shower gel and bubble bath from Bath and Body Works.  The card was something Daddy got just before Christmas of last year - I remember seeing them put out Valentine's Day cards on December 23rd, and rushed over to get one.  You have to get Valentine's Day cards early if you want to get the best ones, but getting a Valentine's Day card before Christmas was a little new for me!

Anyway, it was appreciated.  And Madison appreciated the carnations we got for her as well.  She loves carnations - she's said it is her favorite flower.  So it stood to reason that today it would be nice to get a lot of carnations!

She had the day off today, so there was no school.  That said, she spent the day doing a bit of relaxing, watching Star Wars things online and going over to the piano to play for a bit.  We all slept in this morning, at least a little bit.

Daddy was sick tonight, so there wasn't really any reading going on.  But the fever symptoms arrived later on today, so it wasn't like that messed up the entire day or anything.  In fact, it was a very nice Valentine's Day.

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