Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Honest Abe Cards

We made these Lincoln Day cards today in class.  Daddy designed them in a way that you could put a glue dot there down on the penny, and then we actually glued pennies down on the cards as a fun little novelty idea.  This is the Lincoln design from our old "Museum in Space" animated series we did at KidPak a few years ago, which I was always a fan of.  Actually, I'm a big fan of Lincoln in general, which is why I just picked up from the library a copy of "These Honored Dead," a book that starts out the adventures of a guy who owns a small store with a new lawyer named Abraham Lincoln.  It's historical fiction, and is starting out pretty well.  We'll have updates here as we read along, if I have time!

Speaking of reading, the "Thrawn" book is becoming somewhat like a mystery as well, and we can see the Sherlock Holmes comparisons by this point, two super-intelligent foes matching their wits, only in a Star Wars galaxy.  It's a fun read thus far, with the girls completely in on it.

Speaking of "the girls," Mommy is steadily improving, although it is slow going.  Rest is one of those things that she just needs, and Honest Abe, let me just say it's something we all need.  Literally that was a message shared today from our pastor, and simultaneously the theme of a book I was just reading for research, a book about Elsa and Anna.  It was a quick read, just a bit of background reading as I attempt to come up with ideas for the skit:  but Anna is realizing how everyone is overworked, and how a day of rest can actually make people more productive after resting.  Hmm....

Anyway, it was a good day.  Madison is doing well in school, studying cells and also studying India.  She's still doing a team project on probability, and also working with Photoshop.  She's been doing well with grades, as evidenced by some of the updates we've seen online.

It rained today, and it's raining a lot.  The lake is above full pool, and there's more rain coming.  There is obviously a lot of flooding, and driving has been a little sketchy.  When traveling, Daddy doesn't stop anywhere unnecessarily as of late - no quick trips here or there.  It's all about getting home soon, and getting home safely.

Madison got a bath tonight, but did not do any of her piano.  Don't worry - we'll have her do that soon enough.  It was a good day today though.  We're praying for those who are sick, and we're praying for safety for everyone traveling.  And we're going to bed early tonight, all of us resting well, as instructed.

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