Monday, February 10, 2020

We Have a Winner!

Madison won the snow day training challenge!  There were others that entered videos and pictures of themselves training in the snow with form and so forth, but of all of the entries, Madison's picture above was chosen, and with that comes a free hoodie from Edge ATA, and also no fee for the next testing.  That last part is for Mommy and Daddy!  So not only was it fun, it was also a good morning's work out there in the snow!

With all that precipitation, the lake is officially at full pool.  It looks very full, and there is a lot more rain in the forecast upcoming.  We went through a little dry spell in the fall, but here we are already making up for it.

She had piano class tonight, and has a new song to play.  It's a very nice one, and very pleasant.  It doesn't matter if she's just learning something or even if she's repeating something we've heard before.  The sound of Madison's playing is always a nice thing in the house.

We did do some reading tonight, and we were praying as well.  It's been a tough week for Mommy, and we were focusing our prayers on her wellness.  She's ready to turn the corner on this recent sickness.  But there are a lot of respiratory illnesses out there currently, so it isn't exactly uncommon. It seems to be the year for it.  In fact, Daddy has been having a few minor issues lately.  Madison is just fine, however.

We stayed home today with Mommy, this rather than going to the dentist appointment that we had.  No need getting everyone else sick too.  We rescheduled that one for next week, when we have a whole lot of appointments.

Baby Yoda was still in the front yard for a time this morning, still looking nice.  But the rain that came really put a damper on things.  By day's end, he was a small mound of snow, still wearing a burlap coat.  At least the kids on the school bus got to see him this morning.

Yes, the snow is quickly gone - but it's still early in the season.  We did get our snow, so we're grateful for that.  And we'll be grateful for a little more too.  This snow day on Saturday wasn't terribly disruptive for us at all, and on top of that we were all off of work and school, and it was just the best snow for packing.  We're still talking about it, and grateful for it.

Madison is doing a few things this week in school, working on a project in math with a partner (M&M's), and studying India as well.  We'll have to get some of that food, and maybe watch a movie from India soon.  The only thing I can think of was that one movie where James Bond went to India, but that one might not be the best example!  There's one that Daddy got for Christmas called "Million Dollar Arm" that might be good, and of course "The Jungle Book."  But we might just wind up watching the that one movie with the Cheetah Girls in it.  I have no idea what's up with that, but it's in India, so there's that!

Let's see, what else is she working on?  Photoshop, yes.  In art, she's learning about abstract art, which she has a very solid opinion on right now:  she doesn't like it.  She appreciates abstract landscapes, but the general splatters of paint and so on are not things that she can wrap her mind around.  In all fairness, Daddy has never been a massive fan of abstract art either.  Apologies to Jackson Pollock!

Anyway, it was a decent day today, and it's getting warmer.  We'll have some warmer days ahead, and then cold ones and then ... well, you just never know around here!

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