Thursday, February 20, 2020

Gandhi II

Madison has been studying India lately, and part of her studies has been the viewing of "Gandhi," which is a movie I've never seen.  But I have seen this one here:

Or, at least I've seen the trailer!  This of course is "Gandhi II," which is a trailer for a movie within the world of "UHF," that Weird Al classic that we've seen time and again.  Cementing it further into my brain, the audio for this trailer is a part of the "UHF" soundtrack, so I've pretty much got this entire thing memorized, from "Hey, baldie!"  to "Give me a steak, medium rare."

As stated earlier, there is actual studying of India going on, so don't worry about that.  Once Madison is done watching Gandhi, you can be sure I'll be showing her this trailer!

The rain has been the story lately, the relentless onslaught of precipitation that has broken us as a people, a deluge that has pounded us into submission.  The evidence of the amount of rain is there for all to see each time we cross a bridge over Lake Lanier.  The water levels are just about six inches away from being the highest ever recorded, and currently at the second highest level since about fifty years ago.  We have a few bridges that have been replaced recently, and some of those earlier bridges were so low that it appears like the lake could have overtaken them, had they not been replaced.  There's one on Mt. Vernon Road nearby that looks perilously low each time it is crossed.

Anyway, today Mommy was working on fixing our ginormous Olaf costume for quite sometime.  This involved a lot of hot glue and even more patience, but she's nearly done.  We took a good break tonight, and the two of us have been watching "Big Hero 6," the series, although Madison is not watching that one as much.  Which is funny, because the adults are the ones really into the cartoon!  When she sees it herself, she might get into it...  until then, we're at least having a good time.

We found out tonight that Madison goes to school two hours later tomorrow morning.  There is a freeze warning tonight, and although the rain will be done, the ground is so saturated, it was just easier to assume that the roads will be treacherous in the morning for everyone, and go from there.  So we're waiting until things get warmer, and then we're going to school.  The funny thing is the fact that we're setting the alarm clock anyway, that way we don't miss the premiere of season seven of "The Clone Wars."  So there's that!

Madison had taekwondo tonight, and she's almost there to her brown belt, at the twilight of her blue belt here.  She's moving forward quietly and confidently, and kicking people's faces along the way.  She's got these sudden quick strikes, and they have more power than before.  We're definitely super proud of her.  In fact, we're proud of her in many other ways too.  There are people at church that have been complementary of her about her kind spirit.  She's been helping out a lot of our volunteers, a volunteer herself.  But she's been one to be quick to offer her assistance, and it's been nice to hear others brag about her.

So tonight we went to bed a little later.  Of course we read "Thrawn," and Governor Pryce is turning out to be the jerk we all know and love.  Thrawn is such a great character, and it's amazing that we're sitting here reading about an extended universe character that has a whole book series written about him.  He's that fascinating, somewhat of a Sherlock Holmes character from the onset, only one found in a galaxy far, far away.  We read from our devotional too, of course, the one about Vikings.  And we  prayed for those who are sick, which includes many this time of year.  Things will get better, and of course a good night's rest is a start for that.

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