Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Deerskin Warriors

Olaf is back with us, or at least this large Olaf costume was.  I'm not sure what to think of this costume, really, but the little ones did like it.  They were all coming up to him throughout the morning, really quick to give warm hugs.  Madison was seen here chilling with Olaf after this morning's service.

It was a later service - the first one was cancelled due to icy road conditions.  Actually, the weather alert identified this morning's risk as "FREEZING FOG."

Freezing Fog, based on what I'm reading, is just like normal fog, but it comes when the temperature of the surface of the ground is at the freezing mark.  So... it's fog.  While it's freezing cold outside.  But the term "freezing fog" just sounds a bit more menacing, doesn't it?  Like, there's this gas out there that is undergoing deposition (from a gas to a solid), and one minute you're driving through a foggy cloud, and then suddenly your car is ramming into hundreds of ice crystals suspended in mid-air.  Fortunately, that didn't happen.  Mainly because we stayed in this morning until 9:00am or so.  But we did go to the second service, which is now the only service, and it went well as a kick-off for our newest series, "Northern Lights."  It was a look at the movie "Frozen," complete with clips from the movie.  How appropriate that we are starting off with Anna, Elsa and "Frozen," given what happened yesterday with the weather!

After church, we went back to the Northeast Georgia History Center to learn more about the Deerskin Wars!

As you can see here, we met Nana and Ye-Ye, who had never been there before.  They had a good time!  There were the costumes we put on, and then there were costumes the staff there wore.

This camp was part of a demonstration that took place outside, and yes, it was still about 38 degrees outside.  We were pretty chilly out there!

But the talk was very interesting.  We weren't learning about necessarily a physical combat, but rather a competition amongst nations and peoples over resources of this region.

As always, there were participants dressed up as people of that era, from the Creek Indians to the Englishmen and French military.

And yes, there were demonstrations of the different guns brought along, military and hunting ones as well.  Some of them made quite a loud boom!

It was cold out there though!  Snow was all on the ground, on the roof of the building too.  The info was interesting, but Madison was ready to go inside rather quickly when all was said and done.  Daddy was layered up, so he was just fine!

We did manage to get a quick group shot in before racing in out of the cold!  Madison went up the stairs to the museum to work on a word search she started there.  Ye-Ye, Nana and Daddy went to the cabin to see what's cookin'.

Literally, they were cooking in there.  There were fires in the fireplace, so the rooms were warm, at least compared to being outside.  Here's a picture of our Englishman in his part of the cabin:

He's ready to talk to us about all the ways we can go into debt!  The cabin is nice, a rustic wooden structure in the middle of town, and a reminder of what life used to be like in this area.

Daddy was snapping all kinds of pictures as usual, but listening in as the people there explained how to make foods or how people survived back around two hundred years ago.

It was nice inside, but soon after we were on our way to the main section of the museum to join Madison, who was with our friend from the Atlanta Historical Dance.

She was there to teach a new dance, or at least an old one.  It was new to us, at least!  The four of us did a dance from that time, something resembling a square dance.  We did okay with it!

It was fun though.  And also fun was the rest of the museum which was open today.  We checked out a few different areas, but we spent a good bit of time here below, in the section dedicated to the tornado of 1936.

This is a head of a statue that broke during the storm.  There was much destruction, and we were there a while trying to figure where this or that was in relation to the geography of today.

You can see the cloud of the tornado in the foreground of this picture, just barely there.  It's in front of Madison there, as she looks to the piece of paper there that has items she's looking for in a scavenger hunt.  Nana was looking for these items as well, and by the end of the visit today, we nailed the locations of all the items for a free prize!

We went home after all this, and we were pretty much ready to settle down.  We did a bit of grocery shopping first, but soon we were home and Maddison was doing a bit of piano practice, while Daddy and Mommy were putting things away from that trip.

We watched the Disney Channel's "Adventures in Babysitting" tonight, which was fun.  Afterwards, it was time for more "Thrawn," prayers, and a start of a new devotional.  It was a good day, although a cold one.  We'll snuggle under our nice big blankets tonight, and have a good night's rest, safe and warm.

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