Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Grocery Store Management

Madison got a job at Publix today, of course not in reality.  She's not quite old enough for that yet, so to clarify, it was an experience at something called Junior Achievement's Biztown, where she got a job, had a family with one child, and had to work out her own budget, find a home or at least a place to rent, get a car, set aside money for this or that... and basically all the things that Mommy and Daddy are currently doing.  She was a manager at Publix though, and she's doing well there in her job.  When asked if she was ready to take the reigns and responsibilities of being a grown-up, there was a resounding "NO."  I think she's quite content to stay in Neverland just a little bit longer.  But it was fun pretending to be an adult, at least for a few hours today.  The kids loaded the bus and drove over just across 400 there, and found themselves in a magical place where all of the sudden they had to be responsible.  It sounds like a nightmare!

It was a good day though, although a cold one.  A cold and wet one.  Yes, the rain keeps coming.  That's the story of the year so far.  Some day we'll look back on this in wonder.  As for right now, we're all just a big soaked and soggy.  I don't mind the wet so much as the cold - it's been chilly too, which it's supposed to be, of course.  It's February.

Tonight we had a great night at KidPak, one with some fun illustrations about Thor and his Mjolnir.  We were talking about the helmet of salvation, using a Viking Helmet as an illustration on various kids.  We threw wadded up pieces of paper on them with words like "FEAR" and "LONELINESS" on them.  They bounced right off the Helmet of Salvation.  The hammer, of course, is referenced in Proverbs as God's Word, which is like a hammer that smashes the rock to pieces.  It was some great imagery, of course with a lot of Thor thrown in for good measure.  Daddy had the Mjolnir in the class, and gave kids a chance to lift it and see if they were worthy.  Naturally they all were worthy, of course because Jesus made us all worth.  Not because of anything we did, but because of what He did.

Anyway, it was a good night.  Daddy got home just in time for a reading of the devotional, and of "Thrawn," and some prayers.  And then it was time for a bit of sleep.  Daddy's a little under the weather, on and off.  Fortunately, Madison has been doing just fine!  We prayed for those who were sick, and those who needed help, and for everyone else in between.  And then it was time for a good night's rest...

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