Saturday, February 1, 2020

Daddy-Daughter Date Night

Here we are at the Chick-Fil-A Daddy-Daughter Date Night, something we've been doing for seven years or so, and Madison was really looking forward to it.  For one thing, she was really dressed up nice.  Another thing:  she loves the milkshakes there.  Actually, she loves eating everything there.

The other thing is she knew she'd run into some friends while she was there.  Daddy told a few other dads about it a few weeks ago, and they were able to register as well.  We didn't sit with each other, as it was Daddy-Daughter Date Night, but we did sit close enough to occasionally talk to one another.

Here's another shot of the group outside.  It was as cold as we look there in this picture.  It's a good thing we were getting into that limousine soon.

This is the other part of the evening, a free ride in a limousine.  It just runs around the block, squeezing everyone in.  It's like a hay ride, without the hay.  Or the fall.  Or ... well, it's just a limousine, okay?

Anyway, this is always a fun night, as you can see from our Photo Booth pictures above.  There are always the guided questions that you can ask each other, and Madison hits those right away.  One of Madison's questions is always, "What do you want to do for a living?"  And her answer this year - and last - has been to become an actress.  Also, she'd rather read minds than fly.  And if she was an animal, she'd be a dolphin.

It was a pleasant evening together, and with no hockey game to rush out to afterwards, we were able to take our time, and even pick up some food for Mommy in the drive thru before heading home.

We had a nice night too, watching "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride," which I believe was originally titled "The Wind in the Willows," just like the book the movie was based on.  Daddy was wanting to watch this since the passing of Terry Jones, as sort of a tribute.  But it really is a nice little movie.  And it's great to see the Pythons back together, for the most part.  Anyway, we enjoyed that before bedtime.

Earlier in the day we were doing piano, or at least Madison was.  As Daddy was working in the basement a bit, she was also doing a Star Wars puzzle on the kitchen table.  It was a relaxing day otherwise, and one well-earned, given all the studying she's been doing as of late.

It's February, and it's cold.  Tomorrow that groundhog will stick his head out and look for a shadow, and we'll see what the forecast will be.  Probably more cold, I say, but not enough to snow.  We've had a few disappointing winters lately, with these frigid air blasts and no snow to speak of.  I mean, if it's going to be cold, at least have the decency to snow or flurry.  Seriously, I haven't seen a flurry in two years!

Who knows - maybe we'll see one later this year.  Regardless, February is here, and then after that March and after that Spring is not far away.  That's a nice thought to think of as we dive under the covers in search of warmth.

Tonight we prayed, and we read from "Thrawn" again.  Mommy and Madison said, "It's getting good now," in reference to the book.  Indeed, it's a good read, as we thought it might be.  We'll be invested in this one the next few weeks.

Anyway, it's getting late, and it's getting time for bed.  Madison pointed at me and said, "You're tucking me in!"  Still laughing at that direct command there...

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