Friday, December 21, 2018

Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

I spent too long trying to think of a caption for this image above, and then the obvious hit me:  "Merry X-Mas."  It seems as if our elf wants to lead the X-Men to defend a world that doesn't really love or appreciate them, including the Marvel character Bishop there, who has found a new ride upon the reindeer snowflake!

The big news of the day is that we're not having any water treatment plant here in the immediate area, as there has been a substantial amount of signs and protestors showing up at meetings.  The local leaders opted not to deal with any of this, terminating the deal and giving this community an early Christmas present.  We weren't exactly sure of the impact we would feel here, but we do know there is a terrible smell that frequently lingers in the McEver area nearby that treatment plant.  We're not entirely sure of the connection, but we are pretty sure that knowing something like this is in the neighborhood is unlikely to raise property value.  I think one of the reasons everyone was up in arms was because of the way the process took place, which has been compared to "local politicians sneaking things through."  Whether that's the case or not, this particular deal is done for the time being.

So today was a celebration of UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER DAY!

As you can see, we're ready to go for this day.  Daddy got a new sweater from Mommy, a Spider-man Christmas sweater that actually lights up.  It's gotten a lot of comments lately, because it's so over-the-top.  We went over to Chick-Fil-A today with our ugly sweaters on, and it was there that we got a couple of chicken sandwiches for free, because we were wearing our sweaters.  Very generous of them!

Madison and Daddy went out and did a bit of Christmas shopping together, along with the Chick-Fil-A stop.  It was crazy busy out there, with a lot of holiday traffic.  The Dawsonville Highway was backed up all the way to the lake bridges there, two lanes of traffic plodding slowly along.  Reminder:  don't go that way during Christmas season.

We picked up some things for Mommy at a few places.  We went to Lakeshore Mall, believe it or not, and there were a good number of people there shopping, which was good to see.  We also went to a few other areas, but were quite ready to head back home afterwards.  Although Daddy snuck out immediately to pick up a few other items from Edge ATA, and a big item from another store.  It's going to be a fun Christmas!

We watched a few Christmas movies tonight, and read from our books.  Christmas time is here, and we're ready for it this time!  We've got our Ugly Christmas Sweaters to prove it!

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