Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How We Roll

We woke up to a sushi bar in the kitchen this morning, as our elf was ready to make some sushi for us all.  This sushi has a twist though:  it's all candy and fruit wraps!

Speaking of being on a roll, Madison nailed her summative math test, scoring a huge 99 at just the right moment.  It brought her total average up substantially, into a much less tenuous position, and I think we're looking at a good chance to have all A's this semester.  The clock is winding down, and it's been a real battle for her this time around.  There have been challenges, and a bit of learning beyond the printed material.  But through it all, she's remained consistent and done her absolute best, and I can't say enough how proud I am of her effort.  It may seem effortless, but I see the hours she puts into studying, and I see the concern she has for doing things the right way.  We have a few weeks left on this calendar, and no matter the outcome, she's learning new things, growing, and we're very proud of her.

So tonight is the night that Krampus comes to naughty children in Alpine regions, and I feel sorry for them and their terror.  Mommy and Daddy watched a "Krampus Run" this evening, or at least just a few moments of it.  Part of it we're laughing at, just because it is so ridiculous and warped.  How does this put anyone in the Christmas spirit, taking the birth of our Savior and celebrating it by having deranged hairy demons marching down the street, whipping random kids or picking them up to take them off?  It's an entire parade of this sort of thing, with only an occasional guy dressed up as St. Nicholas, calmly walking amongst the carnage.

We laugh it off, and look on in wonder at how far they've taken this Krampus thing.  But it is starting to get a little crazy.  When it becomes more mainstream like this, it sort of loses something, right?  It's no longer this inside joke that it was many years ago, but something that more people know about, losing a bit of flavor.  Like the Wilhelm scream.

Anyway, in other European odd celebration news, the goat is still up, not burned down quite yet.  Again, last year, it survived and things seemed to be settling down.  Indeed, this year, all is calm and bright.

That is, outside of quite a bit of fog.  Still, perhaps people have forgotten about the prospects of burning down a happy symbol of the Christmas season for the people of Sweden.  I doubt this, as I suspect there are people right now at this moment, carefully planning some pyromanic plan of destruction.

Or not:  what if everyone is like... done with the burning thing, you know?  It's like, "Okay, we've set fire to the goat for fifty years, or whatever.  We're done."  And now it's out of their system, and Sweden can move on.

Except the Chamber of Commerce there has a problem now:  now that nobody is threatening our goat anymore, no one seems to care as much about their town?  Such a quandary!  Does one of their board members secretly go out and burn it down, and blame it on some other hooligans, in hopes of jumpstarting all this over again?

These are the thoughts that keep Daddy up at night.  Okay, not really.  But we do check in on the goat from time to time this season each year - it's a tradition - and we see if it is still there.  And yes, it's still there!

Pastor Lance is looking into a house in our neighborhood this week, and Madison was excited to see him come over.  In fact, the two were playing "Battlefront II" on the X-Box, with Madison accidentally shooting Pastor Lance in the back a few times.  It was an accident, although by the sound of laughter there, you wouldn't think so!

We've got some interesting weather coming this weekend, something we'll have to keep an eye on.  You really never know sometimes, it seems more often than not.  We expect snow, and get rain.  We expect rain and get snow.  I feel sorry for the meteorologists, who are all collectively shrugging as they stand in front of the cameras, basically saying in the most scientific way possible:  "Who knows?"

We said goodbye to a good portion of our "Level Up" set at KidPak.  Daddy set it aside for one of the Stormtroopers that came by earlier this year to volunteer with us.  He is setting up a photo booth for a video game conference - or something - this summer.  I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it sounds like a comic book convention sort of thing, but one just for gamers.  He's using the big Gameboy and the other pieces, and they're getting us free tickets to attend!  I'm not sure what to expect, but he said Madison would enjoy it.  So this summer we'll probably be posting about that here on this blog, hopefully during a time we'll be able to go.  One thing is certain:  he's a good person.  He's let us at KidPak borrow four arcade games for all this time, and they've been a lot of fun to play.

Tonight was KidPak, speaking of which.  We did some Christmas games with passing candy canes, and watched "A Very Merry Tribes Christmas" as well.  It was a nice, pleasant night at KidPak.

We did get to read today, and pray as well.  It was a good day, and that's how we roll!

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