Friday, December 28, 2018

New Donk City

It was a somewhat lazy day, which you can see above.  Madison and Daddy spent some time playing Mario Odyssey, and tonight we sat and watched "Avengers:  Infinity War."  It was that sort of day.  But it wasn't the type of day to go outside, because rain.  Again.  We've had flooding again, and super large amounts of rainfall again, with posts on social media showing videos of the Chattahoochee and other rivers overflowing their banks and causing trouble for those nearby.

Daddy wrote the upcoming skit for KidPak, the final service of the year 2018, and it turned out pretty well.  Here it is below, something we put together for Sunday.  You can read that, while we all get back to cleaning up a bit, putting Christmas stuff away, and playing games....!

KidPak Adventures: Whoville
Happy Who Year!



HOST:            Now Christmas in Whoville is quite a big deal
                        But if you ask each Who just how they feel
                        There’s one holiday after each Christmas is done
                        Which one?

CINDY, CALVIN, ISAAC and ASHLEY enter STAGE RIGHT with excitement.

CAST:                                  New Year’s Day!

HOST:                                                             Yes, this day’s lots of fun!
                        They make resolutions to make themselves better

CALVIN:        I’m going to learn how to knit my own sweater!

ASHLEY:       My resolution is to earn a Who degree!

CINDY:          I’d like to be the best person I can be!

HOST:            Yes, all the Whos here are selfless.  It’s true.

ISAAC:           I want a million dollars, and to win American Idol!

CAST looks at ISAAC.

ISAAC:           Don’tyou?

HOST:            But there was one not too hip to this New Year’s scene.
                        He looked rather odd, and was covered in green.


CAST gasps loudly.

HOST:            No, he’s actually a reformed Grinch now.

CAST:             Oh, yay Grinch!

HOST:            Except for one thing.

CAST:             What?  

HOST:            He wants to steal New Year’s Eve now.

CAST gasps loudly, overreacting.

HOST:            Just kidding!

CAST sighs a sigh of relief.

HOST:            No, but seriously.  He does.

GRINCH reaches backstage for a New Year Party Hat, which he puts on.  Maybe.

CAST:             What?!?

GRINCH goes over to grab a noise makers and related objects from STAGE RIGHT.

HOST:            He had stolen party hats and those things that make noise
                        And loud fireworks, and all their New Year’s Eve toys!
                        These trinkets, thought the Grinch, are the first things to go
                        For he hated New Year’s Eve, and he stole their… 

CALVIN:        (loudly announcing) Hello?

CAST looks at CALVIN

CALVIN:        We’re right here.  I mean, he’s stealing stuff right in front of us.

ISAAC:           So?

CALVIN:        Well, sort of like that Christmas Whobilation… when nobody was listening to me either… there’s more of us, and there’s only one of him ….so…


ISAAC:           Get him!


CINDY:          Wait!


HOST:            …said Cindy Lou, who thought this wasn’t right.      
                        She hoped the Grinch changed that last Christmas night

CINDY:          Grinch, we all thought that you would now make a change
                        Why steal New Year’s Eve?  That’s certainly strange.

HOST:            The Grinch thought about it, and then don’t ask why
                        He put his hands to his face, and he started to cry.

GRINCH does as indicated.

ISAAC:           Why?

HOST:            I said don’t ask why!


CINDY:          What’s wrong Mr. Grinch? For what reason did you steal?

HOST:            And Isaac put it more gently:

ISAAC:            Grinch, what is your deal?!?

CAST looks at ISAAC, who looks embarrassed.

HOST:            Sometimes bad habits with you want to stay
                        He’s tempted to steal holidays

CALVIN:        Uh-oh!  Look out, MLK Day!  

HOST:            But the Grinch wanted to change.  He didn’t know where to start.
                        And that’s when Cindy Lou said:

CINDY:          It starts with your heart!

ASHLEY:       Invite Jesus into your heart, and you’ll feel
                        A new heart inside you that has changed for real

ISAAC:           This new year, make plans to spend more time with Him
                        The more time for that, will mean less time to sin.

CALVIN:        And we’re all the same, we’ve allfailed a test.
                        Just ask God’s forgiveness, and do your very best.

CINDY:          God loves you so much, right now and right here.
                        Let’s all work together, to seek Him more this year.

CAST forms a circle on stage to pray.

HOST:            And so right now and right here they all did pray
                        And we hope that you also will do so today
                        For this holiday means that a new year will start
                        The best way to celebrate?  Let God into your heart.

CAST:             AMEN!

CALVIN:        So to all of you out there, from all of us here
                        We wish every one of you a…

CAST:             HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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