Friday, May 31, 2024


This morning I was in King's Canyon walking on the treadmill, checking out some new areas of a park that I've actually never been to before.  Mist Falls - pretty fun trail.  Some day it would be nice to go, if that can ever happen.  Meanwhile, there was a nice surprise when I came up to the dining area: Maddie had made breakfast!  Yes, Maddie made an omelette for herself and one for me too, complete with cheese and ham and bacon in there. 

It was really good!  Great job, Maddie!  So beyond that, it was a fairly quiet day here at the house winding down the month of May.  Maddie was at Star Dew Valley quite a bit, white I was at King's Canyon.  Mom was doing some work outside in the garden, getting some mulch down and replanting a few things.  

Lots of things getting done at KidPak, writing for "Tropical Freeze" in particular.  We have one more message to write, and the devotional is moving forward.  The skit this weekend will have to be a little different, as there are sicknesses going about.  Strep throat for one.  And another mystery illness that's been leaving doctors a bit confused and possibly even pointless.  Which is to say, the only thing that can be treated are the symptoms, which of course is largely stuff you can get without a prescription.  Fortunately, our household is safe at the moment.  I think Mom and I already had this bug earlier this year, so we should be vaccinated for a time.  Anyway, we're still putting together a "Plan B" for this weekend.

Meanwhile, tonight was a monster edition of taekwondo, with Maddie spending a few hours with black belt class, leadership class, and then training more with Team Edge.  It's a lot of taekwondo.  I sit at my perch here, typing away at a window as I watch my daughter kick people.  She's having fun.  She loves this group of friends. 

Tonight's programming was more "Monk," as we got home a bit later.  We're in season eight now, so we're approaching the finish line on this series.  We also squeezed in some more "Tropical Freeze," the video game, moving forward to defeat that large snow owl!  The game is challenging, but we're making it through.  

We read tonight before bed, more from bounty hunters again, this time Boba Fett.  The short story we read featured a conversation between him and his buddies, Bossk and Dengar.  Of course, we know that's a friendly rivalry.  A job's a job, and whoever gets that target will get a substantial reward.  Or so Darth Vader says.  

Anyway, we said our prayers after that.  It was a good day today.  The national news is still shaking the foundations of our government, a challenge that needs to be addressed, the argument being who's to stop other politicized local judicial systems from doing what's been done now that this precedent has been set.  To quote Dr. Malcolm, they were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.  

We'll sleep well tonight.  Maddie in particular, as she worked pretty hard tonight at taekwondo.

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