Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

It's Memorial Day, and here we are kicking off summer again with the unofficial start of the season.  It was a quiet day - we finally got a fix on that air conditioning by clearing out the condensation pipes.  This is a random thing to bring up, but for the last few weeks since we've gotten a new AC unit, I've been up in the attic with a large squirt gun, sucking up water out of a drainage pan, then squirting that into a rubber trash can.  Then taking the half-full trash can down the precarious ladder steps and dumping that into the bathtub.  The AC has continued working, but it cuts off if that water level gets too high.  We cleared that out pretty well, and I think we'll have a cooler summer as a result.  

We all slept in - no things to do today on the calendar.  In fact, we stayed home pretty much.  Maddie didn't have any classes tonight because of the holiday, and so we were home tonight watching episodes of "Monk" again, racing through season seven.  It's been good.  We're sitting there with our ice cream watching murder mysteries and bits of comic mayhem. 

We were on the treadmill today.  I say "we" because Maddie is starting up on that.  She'll probably begin with a trail in Vietnam, I think.  Meanwhile, I've been walking some trails in Yosemite.  The Yosemite Falls trail is something I really, really want to do some day.  It's just gorgeous with amazing views.  I really miss going out west.

Maddie and I were doing some games today, including "Tropical Freeze," which of course is for "research."  It's been fun, and quite challenging!  I actually did some work today, sitting out on the front porch and proofing the "Castaway Cove" booklet for KidPak's upcoming series.  Should be good!  We're doing more research in that direction by watching episodes of "Gilligan's Island" too.  Great, great stuff.  These old shows are so much fun.

We got some good news from the IRS finally, getting a number we've been waiting for.  Finally the government is doing something it's expected to do.  That only took eight months.  Great job.

It's been a quiet day though.  We were reading tonight, starting up one of the longer short stories in this book about the bounty hunter Bossk, who is fortunately not politically correct in any way.  At least that's the way he's written, which is to say he's written like he used to be written about:  a rough-around-the-edges bounty hunter with a fuzzy moral code, but perhaps with some heart within that makes you cheer on the rascally scoundrel.  That sort of thing.  Bossk is a great character.  We'll have to keep reading this story though, as it is a longer one.

We said our prayers tonight, and closed out a quiet Memorial Day.  It was nice though. 

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