Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Maddie's Day Off

Maddie was on the treadmill today, and that makes two of us.  She was walking in Vietnam, and she enjoyed it.  She told me the distance she went and the calories she burned, rather proud of her accomplishment.  She'll be back on this thing, but she's wanting to make sure she gets in some cardio this summer on her days away from Edge.  I was on the program too, going through a group of videos where comedians walk alongside you, making wry observations and jokes.  It's been fun.  These aren't the usual athletes, but it's been fun to take a break and laugh.

I was back at work today, and we got some things done for Sunday, getting started with our new script for Sunday, the big finish to our "Hang 10" series.  We're also finishing up the writing for our "Castaway Cove" puppet series.  We wanted to write a series that would be easier to film and edit, and the end result was an ongoing story where some paper bag puppets get stuck on an island as castaways.  We stole some of the jokes from Gilligan, of course, with a few of us watching that old show for "research."  We'll have to use a Wilson the volleyball at one point, I hope.  We'll film these paper bag puppets on Thursday - should be fun!


By the way, we did get that number from the IRS, and so we have an appointment with the bank on Monday that should clear some things up.  Hopefully!

Another thing we did was get Maddie's Senior photography appointment set up.  What a racket!  They take advantage of you so much.  Maddie's going to enjoy this though.  She's set up for make-up, hair and all kinds of stuff as she's doing a photo session further down.  Oh yeah, and there's Senior pictures in there somewhere too, I guess.  You know, the ones with the cap and gown?  My my.  Hard to believe we're here already.

So we watched "Madagascar" again, the first movie in the series, the one that started it all.  Maddie forgot about a lot of this one, as did all of us.  We were laughing again at certain bits, and the penguins of course.  The reference to "Planet of the Apes" had Maddie cracking up.

The weather outside has been dry now, finally a little stretch without rain.  We had put some weedkiller down on the front lawn, running the cart over the whole area and letting the little pellets come down on the grass.  It may take a few applications, but we must win this battle!  Mom is working on the back deck, and doing a good bit of straightening around one of the sides, working on clearing bushes, branches, and putting down some mulch too.  

It's been a good day.  Another quiet summer day.  Maddie didn't have much going on today, although she was working on her online drawing application she has with her device.  We're watching New York right now, which of course is now synonymous with corruption.  What they are doing to a former President is embarrassing.  It's also helping him tremendously in the current election.  Which is crazy.  An opposition party controls a local court system and uses the judicial system to affect a national election.  Pathetic.

Anyway, we said our prayers tonight, this after reading.  It's been a fun day.  We've got some things tomorrow, so we got to bed on time tonight.

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