Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tour de Wednesday


Maddie had a great time at FCY tonight, enjoying the service that featured a lot of Youth "taking over" by leading worship or speaking or leading games.  There was a talent contest there, and of course there was free ice cream there.  I fell victim to the ice cream truck again.  It has a mysterious call, and I must answer!  Maddie did too. 

It was lot of traveling today, a sort of Tour de Wednesday.  Maddie was with me as we traveled a good bit, going from appointment to appointment.

We started the day out at the chiropractor, and that was fun.  It was an earlier visit, and Mom got to try some electromagnet therapy that will hopefully help long term.  But we got our adjustments fairly quickly.  We usually play the Star Wars alphabet game there, naming characters that have name that start with each letter of the alphabet, in order.  But it was so quick today we didn't have time to get through the whole alphabet.  In fact, we were at Fennec Shand when it was time to go in for adjustments.  It's always good to see Doc Williams.  We were marveling at the fact that Maddie is going to be a senior next year, just remembering all the times she was here as a little giggle factor on the chiropractor bed.

Afterwards, we went over to the church for some work.  Maddie was with me as we went to the office.  Camille hasn't been doing so well this month.  She's sick again, and this afternoon she left to go to the doctor again.  She's missed the last two Sundays.  It turns out she has bronchitis again, and in fact cracked a rib from coughing so hard last night.  We had this same virus earlier, and it is vaguely reminiscent of the one we had in 2020, you know the one.  Anyway, one of Camille's reactions is breaking out on her skin.  She's in a bad way.  This one just keeps going on and on... it used to be in the good ol' days you had a virus a good solid three days of misery, and then you were on the mend.  Not anymore!

Anyway, we still got some things done at the office.  I finished up the "Hang 10" series with one last skit.  We started making the devotional arrangements for the "Tropical Freeze" booklet too.  Oh, and I got the "Castaway Cove" material sent out to everyone - lots of booklets and writings!

The reason Maddie was with me was that we left early to go over to Edge.  Maddie now has a practice on Wednesdays, one for roughly an hour.  I sat and worked here on the laptop while Maddie did her practice with the team.  They're doing better and better again.  Working out the kinks!

We got home for a little bit to see Mom, but of course were off to church after that.  After FCY, we were at home watching a few episodes of "Monk" again.  Maddie just loves this show.  We read tonight, and we said our prayers afterwards, and that was that for a great Wednesday.

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