Monday, May 13, 2024

Day of Testing


You can see we had another day of testing at taekwondo, another step in the direction of Maddie getting her third degree belt.  That's later on next year.  Tonight her friend Chloe got her third degree belt, and another got a second degree belt.  I was on hand as the unofficial photographer taking pictures like the ones above and more, sharing them online for parents who were happy to see them.  Maddie did well, of course. 

It was a long day of testing though.  Maddie had her pre-calculus final at AP, and it was four hours of misery for her.  She was ready to go home afterwards.  But she's done now, largely.  Just one more smaller level test left, and she's done with this year at school.  

But today was a long day of testing.  That's why I decided why not?  It's time to celebrate with some boba tea!

Earlier today, Mom and I voted today, early voting.  There were three races with opposing candidates, but otherwise it was a pretty quiet primary.  We got our stickers though, and talked with the poll workers working there.  It wasn't terribly busy today at all.  That will change in November, of course.  Maddie gets to vote in that one.  That's right, Maddie votes in the very next election.

It was raining a good bit today.  Lots of rain lately.  We read tonight, and we said our prayers.  Time to get to bed early though - Maddie had an exhausting day.

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